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    I am not banging my sister!

    To be fair, season 1 of Parks and Rec was kind of a tire fire. They had a lot of deck chair rearranging to do before coming back for season 2. Trial & Error doesn't have that problem.

    How so? Andy was with April. He worked at the Parks department. Summer isn't a lawyer, she's not related to anyone on the show (anymore) and she's not in a relationship with any of the characters. I do like her, but she's expendable.

    No. The three bodies are Mrs. Decody, Sam Loomis and Jim Blackwell.

    Although I like Krysta Rodriguez, I'd be fine with Summer following
    Larry to wherever he's off to. They didn't really do anything with her
    that would justify her staying on as a regular now that the case doesn't
    involve her father.

    Is his Churchill on The Crown dead?

    I've loved Julie Haggerty since Noises Off. The last time I saw MacDowell was on 30 Rock's Leap Day episode (Real life is for March!). She's looked the same for thirty years now. Kudos!

    Is there a paragraph missing between "Emboldened by Sebastian" and "No. No, Larry, you do not"? Something doesn't really gel well there.

    Hey, Better Off Ted got 26. Not all hope is lost.

    That was one of my favorite Jenna moments in the entire show. "Don't cry out loud!"

    Having just googled her, I'm convinced it's her. Part of me thought that Carol Anne Keane was going to bring charges against Larry in the murder of his first wife in the last act of ep13, thus keeping Lithgow on the show. Wishful thinking, I guess…

    There were too many great moments to count in last night's episodes, but some highlights include Jayma Mays' teary-eyed performance on the stand, Ann's frantic backwards pacing, the bear and the first utterance of "goddammit" on broadcast TV that I'm aware of.

    This was an amazing episode. Part of me thinks this was the perfect goodbye for Emma Decody, but another, bigger part of me wishes she and Dylan could still work things out. Maybe the show can flashforward five years into the future and at least give us one final scene with Dylan, Emma and their now-three children

    50? How old do you think Lara is, exactly? If he's 50, she isn't far behind. I think it's the 45th, maybe even the 40th. Damien Lewis is 46 but he can easily pass for 39.

    I loved the stamina joke, especially in a callback later on in the episode when it's mentioned again and Josh looks directly at the camera as if to say "Yeah, she's got stamina for days." The way he so easily gets rattled by Carol Anne Keane's sexual aggressiveness is one of the best running jokes in the show.

    I think it's just meant to be an over-the-top "fabulous" gay name. Also see: Modern Family's Stephen and StephAn or Pepper Saltzman… I think the actor who plays Alfonzo here also guest-starred on MF as Jamarcus or something like that.

    My mouth was agape when that heel went into Teddy's eye and then again when Sabrina's boyfriend died after being trapped in the sauna for the entire night.

    I still think episode 6 was the weakest and I liked both of last night's episodes more than 7&8 with Josh now back in the driver's seat.

    They actually did it five times. By the time the stenographer was doing it, I was already gone.

    Don't remind me, I'm shaking with laughter all over again!