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    Overall, I'd give both the episode and the season as a whole an A-.

    OK, so the main reason why I started this show was because I'm a huge fan of SATC and I wanted to watch another show starring SJP. But I'm starting to agree with most of you that she is severely miscast here.

    I really love this show. It's my absolute favorite new comedy of the season.

    I didn't really notice it with The Real O'Neals, but I remember it bothering me with Better Off Ted (god, how I want that show back!), Happy Endings and Body of Proof.

    As hardened and cynical as I have gotten about The Good Wife, this episode really seemed to be a welcome return to form for the show. I'm still finding it difficult to care about Diane's agenda, but I found the hearing much more exciting than the author, even if we still don't know what it's about exactly.

    Diana Rigg is supposed to be playing an American character, but her accent is awful.

    The actress is putting on a bad American accent. She's definitely not related to the British character of Mary.

    It was *painfully* obvious that all season 1 titles were one-word. As soon as the first episode of season two came out with two words in the title, it was obvious where the show was going.

    *slow clap*

    Not that I disagree with the above grade, but you should always look at the community grade when deciding whether an episode was worth watching, as it's made up of dozens of votes, while the review is based on one person's taste.

    I'm not even going to bother with the LAL plot. They have become so removed from everything else on the show that it feels like I'm watching two shows at once at this point. They essentially tried to recreate the main plot of season five with zero of the emotional payoff, because we don't care about any of these

    I'd never seen her before her guest stint on 30 Rock but I've loved her ever since. She's amazing on Difficult People.

    A -3, probably.

    26 Celsius is not what you want on Christmas. It's not hot, but it's fairly warm, and I consider it to be summer weather. It only gets that warm from May to September (at least here in Germany).

    You'd be surprised how many peiople don't back up their stuff. And it's already been established that a) their computer is ancient and b) they're quite technologically challenged.

    Great episodes of both. When Frankie started sobbing on The Middle, I straight up felt bad for laughing because it was so devastating. The whole episode was chaotic in the best possible way and is definitely one to remember.

    I don't really know what to think. On one hand, these last few episodes were wonderfully written and acted and the conflict that's at the center of the show is very realistically portrayed. On the other hand, I can't help but feel like the show is purposely rewriting the character of Danny (even going so far as to do

    I'm an only child so I can't answer that but bunking with Sue was Axl's idea, and he didn't seem the least bit reluctant to go for it.

    Damn, that makes me kind of sad. I hope their respective shows don't outlive them.

    It went into sociopathic territory in the last two seasons.