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    If Modern Family were an hour long drama, those would all be really good suggestions. It being a comedy likely precludes them from doing most of those things, as does its typically lazy writing.

    Modern Family should take a cue from The Middle when it comes to Alex and writing college-themed storylines for her.

    Where do you live that it's common for people to have kids at 19?!

    I thought it was pretty clear the moment she complained to the RA that Holly would be gone. I was wondering why Axl didn't just move in with Sue as soon as he and Hutch lost his apartment.

    I quite like Brick taking care of his Grandpa, though I wonder why they didn't schlep him to his other grandparents.

    I just googled George Segal's age and had the same reaction as Adam did. Holy crap, I thought he was at least a decade younger! He's 81!

    I never made that connection, that the "Frankie and Mike away" episodes always aired in early December. Nice catch! And hopefully it's a tradition the show will keep in the next seasons.

    I'm about done with this show - and I was a fervent and adamant defender of the oft critically panned season 6! Within the span of nine episodes, this was TGW's what, third, fourth? storyline about bad white people taking advantage of poor, innocent minorities. Michelle and Robert King must hate their race very much

    It was an OK episode, but more than ever before, I feel like the show is starting to shove political opinions down viewers' throats. We know the political positions of Diane Lockhart, but the entire Reese Dipple (and now his proxy Irving Carter's) involvement with her seems like little more than just pushing an

    Your efforts are greatly appreciated. The show is firing on all cylinders. Keep up the good work!

    Another episode based on a whole bunch of misunderstandings? Is there no originality left in this show? This was the best episode of the season, as sad as that is, because for all the bending it took to establish the main plot, the payoff was greater than usual.

    I wasn't surprised by it. They made a full episode in season 1 that was about Mike crying to Frankie to take him back when they were still kids and him being embarrassed the kids found out about it.

    Not really. I don't want them making the same mistake Roseanne made.

    This was one of the rare instances where I liked The Goldbergs more than The Middle. The episode was hilarious from beginning to end, and the casting of Judd Hirsch as Murray's dad was all kinds of perfect.

    I liked The Middle just fine, but something was… missing. Had it not been for Axl's storyline I would have thought this was a dropped episode from seasons 5 or 6: Sue's back at Spudsy's, Brad's also there, Frankie's back at Heritage Village, and Brick is apparently again whispering while lying, even though that was

    The show is averaging about a 1.1 in live + same-day. That's about the same as Hawaii 5-0 and better than Elementary and CSI: Cyber. Now Cyber is dead, Elementary likely gets another season due to it being relatively young compared to most of CBS' schedule so it basically comes down to H50 vs. TGW, and the producers

    I kind of have a like/dislike relationship with this show (my feelings about it were never quite strong enough to characterize it as a love/hate relationship). The first season was just bad until the ending arc with Casey and then the show really found its groove in seasons 2 and 3 and now I feel like it's losing it

    Well? Have you seen its ratings?

    Amazingly enough, I agree with the reviewer for the first time in what feels like forever.

    He's only slated to appear in the season finale of the current season which already finished taping. The next season's production cycle starts sometime in April, according to TVLine, which is when TGW should shut down production for the season.