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    Another great night for ABC's two strongest comedies! May ABC never break them apart!

    But if a more qualified white male doesn't get the job because they had to hire a less qualified black female (or male, for that matter) to fulfill some kind of quota - are you seriously telling me that's right?! Your affirmative action system is broken.

    I'd agree that Peter threatening the guy over the phone was amazing, but that was the last episode of the wire tap storyline - and the only one that was interesting. I seem to remember reviewers lambasting TGW for the NSA arc back when it was active in seasons 4 and 5. I thought it was one of those things everybody

    Everything on the show now except for the election storyline isn't really working for me, to be honest. Unlike the reviewer, I found the Peter/Eli/Ruth storyline to be the strongest here, while everything else just makes me go UGH!

    Your username makes me want to upvote every comment you post!

    That was a fantastic episode of The Middle and a great example of a show that's usually grounded in reality doing something balls-off-the-wall zany and pulling it off perfectly. And having spent over six years with these characters, it all seems oddly organic, and most importantly, earned.

    And Remy Auberjonois subbing for David Hyde Pierce in the Winning Ugly episode. They do it quite often.

    It also kind of bothers me that they never really clarified what kind of Christian Grace is. Episcopalians are Christians, too, by the way.

    To be fair, Baranski had quite a story arc with Oliver Platt's character. I believe she was the lead of a B-story in four episodes after 6x12 (discounting that Colin Sweeney lookalike travesty).

    It's not really an A+ episode (yes, I know the site doesn't give A+ letter grades) but a B- is a pretty bad grade for a show of this caliber. I've looked the author up online. She's an Indian gay woman who clearly has it in for the show because of what became of their Indian bi character.

    I really wish they had let someone else take the reigns. This reviewer clearly doesn't like the show anymore and has a bias against it so it's a waste to let her continue doing these reviews. The show was back in full form, which everyone seems to agree with except this Ughayaya woman… Too bad too, as AV Club is

    In season 5's "The Optimist", she says she's the middle of her class as it relates to grades. She's probably a B-/C+ student. But honestly, the trickiest part for the writers was sending Sue off to college and making it seem plausible. Axl got a football scholarship and Brick will likely get an academic one (and I

    Sue Sue Heck apparently turned 16 16 twice. ;)

    It's been established early on - and mentioned throughout the show repeatedly - that Edie and Ginny were Frankie's great aunts.

    What? I consider that to be the best episode of the series to date!

    I know. That bothered me so much. Like, I know the show plays fast and loose with the 80s references, and I'm fine with that, but can't they at least agree on a year within the same episode?!

    The Berlin Wall came down November 9, 1989, and AFV debuted November 26, 1989. Maybe they should have saved those references for the final season. ;)

    This chick shouldn't be allowed to write The Good Wife reviews anymore. She's become completely biased against the show.