Nick H

Joy suddenly deciding to murder Danny was the most baffling 180 I've seen from a character in quite some time.

Reasonably fun trailer, but good god this film looks ugly. So much grey and brown sludge. Gimme some primary colours, DC, please.

Honestly, I completely forgot about all the stuff with non-soul Spike suddenly growing a conscience in S5. The show spent so much time before that ramming home the point that no soul = irredeemable evil. Which is admittedly a fairly uninteresting and oddly creepy bit of absolutism.

I don't think Spike can be blamed for Wood's mother's death, really. I mean, he was a soulless monster when it happened, through no real fault of his own. Spike not wallowing in guilt (in that one scene, anyway) about his actions like Angel did is one of the few moments in the last two seasons that felt true to the

What a fucking great episode of this consistently underestimated show.

This felt awkwardly forced to me. It felt like someone writing an impression of a Sunny episode in very broad strokes; Mac is awkward about being gay (which doesn't really play now he's out and proud); Charlie and Frank are endlessly gross; Dee is the butt of the joke; Dennis is exasperated at everyone. All dialed up

But is he a Talbot or a Tal-bot? Or a Talbot-bot.

But where's Trish? I care for no one but Trish.

Why is this season so good, when last season was so utterly wretched?

Someone used the phrase "expunge your darkness" in this episode. Someone genuinely said that.

"Oliver, your speech… it inspired us all."

How great is Ellie Kendrick as Meera Reed? She's had basically nothing to do for two seasons now, but in basically one scene she goes goes from charming to terrified, to badass awesome, to even more terrified, to sad, to exhausted and terrified. Please give her more to do, writers.

Yeah, show Euron just seems like an angry doofus at the moment. Doesn't seem as calculating and dangerous as the book version. Any tyrant worth their salt wouldn't let Yara slip away with the fleet so easily - although I'm glad he did, because she's the best.

Wow. That devastated me. Even amidst the fantasy nonsense with wood elf grenades.

As a connoisseur of bad fake typing, I thoroughly enjoyed this episode.

PornHub launching a sexercise fitness programme like my smack dealer trying to get me on a business management course.

This was a fun episode, but it felt like something was missing. I think it was because the sappy stuff with Daisy's dad last season worked (because MacLachlan), while the Lincoln-based melodrama in this episode just left me cold. The action was cool, but there just wasn't much going on behind it. Mopey Daisy is

Really feel for the High Sparrow. Must have been tragic having a really banging party, then waking up and realising you've got to found a hardline militaristic order of the faith.

Personally I hope episode 5 is just Tormund and Brienne noisily fucking for an hour.

They've done a good job with Iris lately. Candice Patton's actually got quite a nice touch when it comes to snappy back-and-forth dialogue, so it's good to see the writers let her have a little fun. Cisco, as ever, is the absolute best. That little bit at the end where he and Wells try and explain the dumb zombie plot