Nick H

That multi-person neck snap was a hell of a thing, to be fair.

Yeah, this was a bad finale. In general I liked the season more than the reviewer did, but I don't disagree that the Hand were handled poorly, and that was exemplified here. Nobu's a cool enforcer mini-boss, not an antagonist you build the end of your story arc around.

I can totally understand the issues people have with the way Daredevil portrays many of its Asian characters, but some of the criticism seems nuts to me. Like, the decision to make Elektra a Black Sky (whatever the hell that is) is now racist because it makes her a conformist who blindly follows authority - despite

Iron Man 3 is wonderful, and don't let anyone tell you different. Watched it again the other day, and Ben Kingsley still had me howling with laughter.

This Kendra/Ray business makes my head hurt. So old Kendra said that any relationship she has that isn't with Hawkman will be cursed. Despair and pain and all that.

Frank Miller everybody!

Matt likes sexy ninja women who can kick the hell out of people. He's a complicated guy with some very simple tastes. He gets off on the fighting and the danger, as much as he struggles to admit that to himself, and Elektra is all about that shit.

Or he's more conflicted about killing her than he lets on. From what we know of Stick and his bluster regarding Matt, that's pretty likely.

Born Again is obviously where this is all headed. I'd be interested to see their take on it, especially with the Karen subplot, which would have to be altered quite a bit.

All true, but he did seem like the kind of asshole who'd enjoy proving how superior he was. Why Stick would send said asshole in lieu of someone who's actually competent is another question.

Cool ending. I really enjoy SHIELD these days, for all its imperfections. The Daisy twist actually managed to wrongfoot me, and it's a cool shake-up for the team going forward into the last few episodes. Probably something awful in the post for either Fitz or Simmons, but nice to see they at least got one happy scene

Next Week:

Have you ever watched Arrow? One of the characters cross-examines her own father, whose testimony claimed that he was protecting her from being killed by the defendant.

I honestly have the biggest blind spot when it comes to bad TV depictions of the courtroom. Matt could lead the entire jury in an all-singing, all-dancing rendition of 'Oh What a Beautiful Mornin'' for his closing statement and I'd be sat there like, "yep, that seems reasonable."

He's currently working his way through 10,000 cans of cod liver oil, and crying every time he burps.

So who skipped back to watch Lincoln being donked on the head by that fire extinguisher a couple or ten times?

The ending sequence was excellent until Negan showed up, oddly enough. That speech went on way, way too long, and I'm still not sure what it is about Negan that makes him such a ludicrously powerful figure in this world. He's just kind of a mouthy dickhead. The actor's clearly having fun, but as the review says, pop

A decent placeholder episode. Best bit was Cisco's reaction to being jostled by that couple at the bar. I don't think I can overstate how much I love Cisco.

I hated this episode so much. The endless, torturous nonsense between Oliver and Felicity, the rubbish action scenes. That wince-inducing speech about the power of love. Laurel cross-examining HER OWN FATHER. No one being at all bothered when the Chief of Police admits to involvement with a terrorist organisation. How

I liked Denise. Seems a shame to lose her in what was a pretty throwaway stand-off sequence, with no real tension or payoff. You can make those kind of abrupt death scenes work, but this one fell flat for me.