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    You are not wrong. I was being a little flip, which I often am with TV shows. After all, no one's making me watch. I *do* like the faster pace, but I also wish it was accompanied with some kind of explanation of the time line. Euron's actions last week made no sense in terms of long it should have taken him to do get

    Yes, I did too, especially after looking at a map. I can see no other explanation except wormholes.

    I had a similar feeling. I also figured that even if not, copying manuscripts has to beat emptying bedpans.

    I have decided Westeros is full of wormholes. That solved, I can enjoy the plot, and I do like the faster pace for events.

    That's a good and logical theory. I like it. I like both the idea of Sansa slapping him down, and him going to Cersei in an attempt to manipulate things there. I am kind of waiting for LF to basically get caught in a trap of his own making because he overestimated himself and underestimated or did not account for

    Sorry, I should have included that I knew Robin was at least nominally in charge. The question then becomes who becomes his regent? Would someone in the Vail step in before Jon could send someone? Is the Vail part of the North, and so they'd accept someone Jon appointed? Sansa's a good choice, as she seemed to have a

    I generally agree here. I think Theon bailing is really the only move that made sense. If he'd charged, it's possible (likely?) that Euron would have killed both Theon and Yara. Theon is now in a position, possibly, to rescue Yara or at least try to. I think his arc may end with a self-sacrificial death.

    But if LF is killed, who's in charge of the Vail? This might be a case of keeping the devil you know in place until you figure out the devil you don't. I guess Jon could appoint someone? I'm not sure if the Vail is part of the North or would try to be its own thing, but either way, if Jon appointed someone he would

    I found that scene very sweet, and a nice break from everything else. It was long enough to provide that breather, but not so long that it broke the pace of everything else. I have some questions about how it's all physically possible (I thought eunuchs were asexual, or mostly), but they are good together, so I'll go

    This is true. I found myself trying to think what he might do. I am still confused as to where the ships are — I thought they were still off Dragonstone, but reading recaps and comments, I guess they'd already started back to Dorne. Which at least explains why no one on Dragonstone has reacted. If they were still

    I laughed a little at the scene, mostly at Jorah's line, but a lot of it was releasing nervous tension. I mean, Sam is peeling Jorah's skin off (ew ew ew ew ew) and it obviously hurts and Sam's "shhhh!"-ing was panicked. It made me laugh just a little, but not because it was comedic.

    True. However, it's possible Jaime left some soldiers there to keep him in line. With the Freys gone, that might make Edmure a little bolder, and I don't know if the Lannisters could or would send soldiers to Riverrun to keep Edmure in line. However, Edmure doesn't strike me as the bold type, and he has no

    That's a fair point, but I'm not sure how much Cersei cares about that. She told Jaime that yes she loved their children, but they're gone. It seems like she's past caring about what they did to Myrcella and far more concerned about consolidating her power, and creating a "dynasty."

    True. I forgot about the pardon. I figure he'd either tell his name to someone, or they'd recognize him. I thought it was interesting that Sam answered pretty readily after he was over being startled; made me think that Jorah's asked before.

    I have to admit I loved the scene with Euron, and wow, sick burn on Jaime.

    Haha, yes, that's the weak point in my musings. Jaime knows what's happened, but apparently he's still waiting to see what else might happen I guess.

    I think he's quarantined because of the greyscale, and it made sense that he was there, at the biggest library in the world. Whether they know who he is, I don't know. It makes me wonder if the Citadel has a policy of neutrality in a way - that is, if you show up and need help, they help you, no questions asked. If

    I think it's a little of both. I don't think Harrington is that small; IMDb lists him at 5'8". However, Sophie Turner got pretty tall a few seasons ago. I think I first noticed it in scenes with Baelish, because it kind of cracked me up that she was as tall as he was. I would guess the show will try to make them look

    They may have had some, but the last time we saw Euron, he was exhorting the Iron Islanders to build ships. How they were going to do that, given the distinct lack of trees that I saw, i don't know.

    My first thought was Tyrion, but yeah, a dragon would indeed be "priceless."