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    No, he's probably nominally in charge of Riverrun.

    I suspect Jaime is not going to kill Cersei for a while. Yes, she's his sister and love, and yes, she blew up the Sept, but at the moment things seem stable in King's Landing, if only because the populace is afraid of Cersei. If he kills her, who takes the throne? Killing her introduces all kinds of instability, plus

    I got it from the closed captioning. But otherwise I would have gotten it from his asking if the Dragon Queen had arrived.

    That was my first thought. Tyrion killed Twin, and Cersei believes Tyrion killed Joffrey. If she wants anything besides "winning," she wants Tyrion back so she can execute him.

    It hasn't completely gone away. My son's school has a DARE program in the fifth grade. It's very absolutist (as one would expect). I doubt it will be very useful.

    I'm not saying it isn't well-done. The animation is great, the acting is fine, the songs are pretty catchy. I just don't like it.

    I'm sure Oliver will be fun in the part, but I have no interest here. I didn't have much interest in the original animated movie, and I love animated movies. However, this one left me pretty flat.

    …Say Anything was always a favorite, but I don't know that I ever thought Lloyd and Diane ended up together ultimately. It was the right ending for the movie, but still, they are both only 18 or 19, so as they experience life, I think they'll grow apart. But I'm okay with that. I feel like the point is more that this

    Indeed. I'm pretty laid back with music. I like stuff, or am tolerant, and rarely do I just out-and-out hate something. However, with Levine and Maroon 5, I was annoyed. I can't think of any other group or artist that has annoyed me. So yeah, put them in there too.

    I'm with you. He's part of a genre I call "wimpy whiny white guy rock" and includes others such as John Mayer and James Blunt and Sam Smith. It should probably include Jack Johnson (singer, not hockey player) but I like him, probably because his songs are more laid back and he doesn't sing in a whispery falsetto all

    Very true. I was too linear in my thinking. It makes far more sense, especially given what we learn in this episode about Laura's accident, that someone on Wednesday's team is trying to keep Laura from getting to Wisconsin. Which actually raises some more questions about Mad Sweeney's decision to replace the coin.

    I see. Again, though, I don't consider this a spoiler. I read about her casting months ago.

    I don't either. But I don't think that's a spoiler, just a guess.

    Oh good point. Hadn't considered that, and it makes a lot of sense. Good catch.

    Anyone think the rabbit was sent by the New Gods? We saw it a time or two before it ran out in the road. I wondered if it was an attempt to thwart Wednesday's plans.

    This is, as far as I know, as change to the source material. The story of Essie MacGowan (née Tregowan) is in there, but not linked to Laura or Mad Sweeney. Neither of those characters figure as heavily in the book as they do in the series, but that's fine with me. I love what they're doing with them.

    This was not a great episode, and I admittedly often have low standards for my entertainment, but I couldn't help but enjoy it if only for the idea and sight of Victorian soldiers on Mars. It immediately put me in mind of Burroughs' stories, as well as Michael Moorcock's. I miss the days of that kind of pulp scifi.

    I was thinking that. Maybe I read too much about it before I saw it, although I did try to avoid spoilers. I thought it was well done, but it didn't strike me as a major step above most horror movies.

    Because I didn't see it. Thanks, I am corrected.

    True, I'd forgotten. However, they don't necessarily film the episodes in the order they're shown. Also, it seemed to me most of the people they showed in that montage were "good" people — Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Theresa, Churchill — perhaps they didn't want to put Trump in that company.