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    Yes, I was confused/forgot/something like that. I thought Sam was shipped off to the Watch simply because his father was embarrassed by him. I forgot Dickon was the younger son. It seems Sam would then be in line as he's the oldest son, but I'm not sure how he'd get out of his Night's Watch vows in order to inherit.

    Ok. thanks.

    Thanks. I can't keep track of who is what. Yes, I think House Tarly may be done, but there is the sister, so maybe…

    He didn't capture Tyrion to bring him to Cersei.

    It was. I'm really enjoying the humor in the dialogue between various characters.

    I wondered if this is a case of Arya knows that Littlefinger knows that Arya knows etc. I couldn't figure out if that note was a fake. I thought Littlefinger was worried that *he* would be compromised by a note, but the note reflects badly on Sansa. I want one of the Stark women to see through him. If they were still

    I don't know if there would be a new Khal. That makes sense, but we haven't seen anyone close to Dany who could take her place. There is Dany and then everyone else — Missandei, Tyrion, Varys — is several steps down. I'd think the Dothraki would leave; aside from supporting Dany, they have no interest in Westeros that

    There are differences that are hard to pin down. To me it's the humor. I don't mind it though. There's no reason everyone needs to be all ominous and portentous when speaking with each other. People use humor to relax and there's no reason to think they wouldn't do the same in a medieval-type setting.

    He may end up being Lord Tarly, but he's in the Night's Watch. We only know of two sons, Dickon and Sam, and was the younger so Dickon would have inherited. Sam would have been "the spare" in this case, I imagine. But there is a sister, and since Sam's in the Night Watch and gave up claims to lands, family, etc., it

    That's what I've been thinking, obviously. I realize there are obstacles, but still.

    I'd like to think this is the beginning of his end. That the game has evolved beyond his ability to play it because he doesn't see the changes or doesn't account for them correctly.

    Yes, indeed he did. Qyburn did have the kids, though, that killed Pycelle (it was Pycelle, right?). I thought he had kind of taken over Varys' network, which is not to say he'd be good at maintaining it.

    This is probably true, although Varys' network was pretty big and apparently extended into Essos since he did try to engineer an assassination attempt on Dany back in the day. But maybe that was even more indirect than I thought. I suppose I just wish they'd made more of it, actually had someone point out that Varys'

    Possible, but yeah, might be a reach.

    I couldn't tell if Littlefinger looked worried when he saw Arya training with Brienne. Usually he's smirking and (I assume) trying to turn something to his advantage, but I wasn't sure about that scene.

    I wasn't really rooting for either side in the battle, I just wanted to see how it played out. If I had to pick a side, I'd probably pick the Lannister side in *this particular* battle because they were the underdogs and it's usually more fun to root for the underdogs. They were returning to King's Landing after a

    The Stark siblings were never presented as very close. Arya and Sansa were opposites in temperament and goals/desires, and although both probably love Bran as a little brother, I never got the impression either was close to him. Notice Sansa hasn't even brought up Rickon or Robb, although perhaps she's guessing Arya

    Good theory. I go with wormholes.

    Walter was apparently influenced way too much by Ender's Game.

    Do we ever find out why the Man in Black wants to destroy the tower(s)? Just for fun?