Like "crocodile", but not spelled that way
Like "crocodile", but not spelled that way
Pretty cool site, although the Pittsburgh example sounds more like a generic surfer dude than anybody I ever knew while living there, haha.
This kind of thing makes me wonder how a dialect expert would analyze my speech. Is my accent "accurate" for where I grew up? How much of the other places I've lived has assimilated into my accent? Would that mess with their analysis, or would they be able to pick things out?
It has gameplay impact in a few places — at least for the race with the ghost and the infinitely-spawning enemies in the desert that move just a tad bit faster than Link runs.
Ha, yeah, yeahhhhh. Super Mario 3D Land is a particularly bad victim of this.
I just finished my first-ever play of Ocarina of Time on Saturday and it doesn't hold a candle to Link's Awakening. I can see why OOT is fondly remembered, but I don't know if I'll ever replay it. It is not a game with very much respect for the player's time, at all. Bad stealth sections, bad platforming sections,…
LbW looks mediocre in stills but great in motion. I think it holds up just fine against LttP's pixel art, which I've never found particularly nice for the medium.
Yeah, Bee Movie is actually OK. Not secretly amazing, but worth it for being very, *very* weird.
The author may enjoy this video about SH2:
Cruise is very good at intense running, and that's enough.
It's well-established that the formula for the ideal number of bikes is N+1, where N is your current number of bikes.
I think the story was that supposedly Bono's kid said it once when he had a nightmare?
Worth it for this and the "aw heck" duck bowl.
Yeah, what kind of list of safe crowd-pleasers contains Passion Play?
The signature thing sounds like typical 70s'/80s' dumb trope of "the worst criminal monsters are all on the streets because of silly *technicalities*". Kind of a muddled thing to apply to a monster's backstory, like oh, "who's the real monster: the guy that murders and/or rapes kids and kills people via their…
"Aw, I thought this was going to be about robot rump!"
Similarly notable: December.
It seems like just a few years ago that "dad rock" was appropriately used to refer to forgotten hair metal bands and horrible, misplaced nostalgia-tumors like Chickenfoot. Now it's supposed to be The Who, Rolling Stones, and Bob Dylan??? I guess I'd better have some kids…
I would be perfectly content with them using the money to just ditch the giant, redundant banner ads from the bottom of every page.
Finally, chess rankings correlate to hookups. Just like chess club always dreamed of