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    You may be right, but we've gone so far down this Rabbit hole that I'll take potentially self-motivated, faux-humility over my other options. I'll also take standing for a consistent deliberate system over the change the rules to make your way route both sides have hammered.

    To his credit, in his speech about his decision he took a share of the blame for the current situation. He may not have taken enough, but at this moment, anyone from either side admitting they are part of the problem is a good thing.

    Cheapening a shared love of country in the name of profit may be the most American thing of which I have ever heard.

    As a resident of Michigan, and a person sick of politicians and politics, I would like to say, "Kid Rock, go back underneath the cheap liquor drenched rock you came from and never return. You're mixing of (the) hip hop and (the) country rock has already damaged two genres and your insipid 'All Summer Long' has made me

    There is some anecdotal evidence that head injuries in football were less frequent without helmets as well. When there is nothing giving you a false sense of security that your head can hit things without being harmed, you tend to be more careful with it…

    Can we amend "teenage boys" to teenagers. Seriously, 80 percent of my cringing is at things I did or said whilst a teen. Even with the 20 cringes a day provided by the current administration.

    How I wish you were wrong about this.

    On the positive side, Pence is less likely to start a war with… almost anyone on the planet. Brother of a soldier here, and that might bias me a bit.

    This is the best explanation I've heard yet. Honestly, as much as the (former) reporter in me wants a big juicy story to be behind all of this. Experience and common sense tells me that cold, calculated positioning is at play more than anything else. (Not from Trump, that sort of deviousness takes more neurons than he

    My biggest confusion through this whole presidency (and that is a fairly high bar) has been, why in the world have Republicans in congress and the senate not jumped at any chance to replace Trump with Pence. On paper that seems like a perfect move for them. Incompetent, power-hungry, idiot who doesn't care at all for

    Trying to decide whether or not to explain the background here, things like the distinction between a thing's "Accidental" and "Substantial" properties in Catholic theology (I'm not a Catholic but prefer to carefully parse what people mean) or just face palm at all of this. Face palm and self-righteous snide I guess

    Don't you think part of the blame may be not campaigning in Michigan or Wisconsin near the end?

    Couple thoughts, first going back 40 years we have had three Democrats as president and four Republicans; and four democrats as Speaker of the House and four Republicans.* Not sure how we can say Republicans have had a much greater hold.

    This seems a perfect description. Having seen planes more times than I will admit (I have a four year old who loves air planes…), I am always amazed by the director documentary at the end that explains the passion of the guy who made that movie. It's infectious and affecting and then you remember that he's talking

    The waste of a perfectly cast Biblo Baggins may be the greatest shame of those movies. And those movies gave us a literal war pig.

    Tirion upon Tuna to be exact.

    Yeah, I think you are mixing the study's finding up a bit. There is a Pew study that shows that Athiest's and Jews tend score highest on overall religious knowledge, on strength of having a breadth of understanding about world religions. White Evangelicals and Mormons do best on bible knowledge in the same study.

    Depends on how you define public. It's a thing that happens in Christian sub-culture but probably not very often in places anyone who is not part of the faith will look. As far as the apparent WWE style match between a YEC and a new Atheist (I know they aren't the totality of the people you have in mind but they are

    Not entirely.

    Up-voted for "intricately-described bucket."