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    Yeah, we've heard of enough bad and good stories that we were prepared for anything. Just hoped it would not id the children as threats and we could keep it for the bit of protection it provides the hens. Oh well.

    It's a bit of squeamishness on my part, I'm getting over it. I also agree that the eggs are better fresh.

    This is an interesting thought, not sure what order it works in but my own recent experience is possibly anecdotal evidence in your favor. I love eggs, it's my favorite thing for breakfast. This year my wife and I got chickens and have them free-ranging in our yard. We get a few eggs every day and I'll be honest, I

    The idea that saying in the strongest terms is equivalent to using the strongest terms has always struck my as one of the more innocuous yet most annoying things about Trump.

    Thanks for saying it so I didn't have to.

    Didn't think you were. Sorry if I sounded defensive, its been a bad day for me on the clearly communicating anything side.

    I think it can only be invoked when someone self-consciously invokes it.

    That sounds right, I would say something very close but be terrified a smarter, more recently educated person would "Well, actually" me.

    He was at least more subtle.

    In fairness, I spent most of my time at college studying political philosophy and I couldn't give a quick coherent definition of Fascism without looking. It's only been five years too. Also, I try not to accuse people of being fascists unless they are supporting Hitter or Mussolini (or Alt-Righters supporting Trump).

    (Whispers) I was quoting Zack's earlier response.

    I see this is getting nowhere and I think we are talking past each other. I've not defended either racism or misogyny, I have defended rationally responding to arguments and not commenting on things one has not read. The chinless bit is a like the neck-beard (you didn't use this, but others have) bit, it's a

    He didn't make that argument.

    Thanks for this link, it's a good one.

    Oh, I'm not dismissing it off hand, I assume it's accurate enough. There are multiple claims in the first paragraph that aren't sourced (such as most of his audience hating him). And I love sarcasm, I just haven't seen it on Rational Wiki much, though I don't often use Rational Wiki, so that could be the reason.

    Every picture I've seen shows him to have a chin (like a visible one), no idea how he feels about girls.

    Thanks, not sure how to take rational wiki taking that sarcastic and unverifiable of a tone, though I do have to say "fedora-lovers Glenn Beck" may be the greatest turn of phrase in the English language.

    sigh. Living in a peaceful society is largely about finding ways to engage with people we don't care for. Also while battling stereotypes, it's best not to engage in them.

    Serious question, to which neo-Nazis did he run? I have heard of only one interview since his firing and am not familiar with the source, clarifying info is appreciated.

    So having read his article is increasing my bias. A lot of people who disagreed in part or full, myself included read it, because we wanted to be able to coherently comment on it. If you want to complain about it, decry it or talk about the dudes motives you have to actually engage with him. The part of the memo that