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    Will the two of you stop being reasonable and throw down already?

    Legolas. Always Legolas. Forever Legolas. Do you even need to ask?

    They actually do all the time. The arguments between young-earth people, old-earth people, theistic evolutionist, evolutionary creationists and multiple other subsets within theism is a constant feature of American Christianity. Judging everyone who disagrees with you about how it works is basically what many

    It's only fair to note that Tolkien evolved a lot on racial issues throughout his life; usually growing less racist. He outright hated Apartheid and told the Nazi's he considered it a shame that he didn't have any Jewish ancestors. That doesn't undo all of the uncomfortable stuff in his works but it does place him as

    An AV Club Sixpence joke… Not sure how to respond.

    Is it too early to ask for a Hobbit remake? We can keep Martin Freeman and Richard Armitage, chop Evangeline Lilly and cut Orlando Bloom to a cameo.

    Neil Young, Shane McGowan (I almost wept for his teeth when they died) and maybe Bill Waterson. Honestly, I probably won't cry but it will be a bad day. (Especially if it's all on one day). Oh and also Alan Alda.

    There were also writer changes in that period that helped to change the show completely. I personally prefer the darker, more humorous first few seasons but I would agree that the early seasons of the new cast members were probably better television. (You left out BJ replacing Trapper by the way). By the end

    Reminded me more of Calvin-Hobbes. Which brought back the old "Fight Club is Calvin and Hobbes 20 years or so after the strip ended." A younger me thought it was a good theory. A younger me also thoroughly enjoyed this movie. So grain of salt.