
I saw on IGN on their Daily Deals article that they had them in stock and man, it took some willpower to not buy one.

Moon Tea

That guide is far from perfect, he says Waluigi is terrible! Waluigi is the man and I will not hear differently.

Very true, but it's also very stupid to try to go north of the wall to grab a wight to take to Kings Landing.

It'd take some serious teleporting to do that all this season, so I'm thinking if that happens then it'd happen sometime next season. Maybe this season ends with them taking the Night King. I doubt this happens, but if it does you hear it here first!

I tried the stick and the touchpad and the little reticle will make the shape of a box or a circle and nothing happens. I probably did it wrong though. We'll see. I'm going to have to tackle this game solo when I do play it.

This thread is the best segue into the weekend.

Thanks for the heads up! Although like that thread from a few weeks ago, Splatoon 2 might be a download game for me when I get a Switch. But if the bundle is priced well I might not be able to avoid it!

Enjoy the Poconos! I'm not too far from there (Philly) and used to rent a lake house and go up there with friends a lot. I've never been to a race there but have driven by the track before.

Yeah, the first 2 movies switched events around from the books. Even the first movie switched the ages of the kids (in the books Tim was older). But overall it followed the book closer than the second movie did. The second movie botched the kid(s) and changed so much content it was basically not the same as the book

What if the Northern Expedition captures the Night's King to take to King's Landing to show Cersie. Then once in King's Landing the Night's King goes off on people and starts killing them left and right. Turns out the Night's King let himself be taken prisoner to pass beneath the wall which breaks the magic on the

I believe he's a steward.

Seems fair.

My favorite memories are the Fridays on this thread. Especially when Breath of the Wild came out and everyone was sharing their stories (echoing @wolfmanjew:disqus below). But I also loved when Mario Kart 8 on the 8th was on a Wednesday or Thursday night so it'd be fresh in our minds on this thread and tales of the

I agree on the BoTW. It was always great to see how other people tackled the game/certain obstacles. Or hearing how people are riding around on the horse to do things (I maybe used a horse for 3 hours of the 125 I played). That game really brought this community together.

You wouldn't lie to us, would you Alex???

Where can I find that?

I started Trine but couldn't get past the introduction for the wizard I think it was. I had to draw a box and I was following the instructions but for some reason the box would not appear. Haven't tried it since (mostly Zelda's fault though). I'll pick it back up at some point.

They had Switches available on Amazon yesterday, I hovered over the purchase button, but alas did not buy one. Wouldn't be able to hop on for 8 on the 18th either way. Enjoy!

Didn't get to play any games this past week. We're having a gender reveal for our baby tomorrow and we have family coming from out of town to stay with us so this whole week has been prepping the house/running errands/shopping basically from when I get home from work until I go to sleep. So probably not too much this