
You hear that? You hear what's coming? You better run for the hills! It's Kinja, and it's coming to your comment board and it's gonna burn that mother effer down!

You hear that? You hear what's coming? You better run for the hills! It's Kinja, and it's coming to your comment board and it's gonna burn that mother effer down!

The wights have blue eyes too. If you watch when they're circled around the lake you can see all their blue eyes. Plus throughout the show the wights have had blue eyes too.

But that still defeats the purpose for Euron. He wants to be the king and I assume have his children with his name rule after him.

Plus, wouldn't he just come back as a full-on wight?

True, but seems like with the whole army there, he had to at least have some near him.

I don't know, I think he's fully turned. But they never specified what the timeline for turning was so I guess it's possible.

If Cersei is pregnant, how is Euron going to handle that news? Isn't he siding with her because he's trying to marry her to become king? Wouldn't finding out that she's carrying her brother's baby kind of muddle that up a little bit?

Did Jon kill a white walker at Hardhome? I thought he did, I may be mistaken. But I thought he did and dozens of wights didn't just crumble when that happened.

Depends how the magic in the wall works. Benjen couldn't cross under the wall due to the magic that's in there that prevents the undead from passing through. Does that magic go up too?

That's an interesting theory. But I thought the difference was when they got turned. Wights were dead people who were turned, White Walkers were alive when they were turned (Craster's baby was alive, right? I'm forgetting but I think he was). So since the dragon was dead I'm thinking it's a wight dragon. Could

At least we have Dondarrian out of continues and down to his last life.

Jorah had the dragonglass weapons and he's the one that took out the bear, so I think they did use it.

The Hound is consistently great no matter who they team him up with, but Tormund might be the best combination. Forget the Hound and Arya running around Westeros, I want to see Tormund and the Hound going anywhere.

I think the "mountains will turn to ash" or whatever part of the prophecy is referring to the Hound killing the Mountain with fire and thus turning the mountain into ash. Plus it's full circle since the Mountain pushed the Hound's head into the fire as a child.

The children of the forest found him before he was fully turned and stopped it. I believe Benjen told Bran when he saw him.

I'm watching the early seasons now with my wife and Tyrion hates his father for how he's treated him his whole life as well (including pouring him in the vanguard against the Starks), so I think is more than just the trial. It's a lifetime of being shit on by him.

That's true, they definitely changed it and Tyrion's not always asking "where wh0res go" like he is in the books. But they at least put the base story of her in there.

Tyrion talks about Tysha in the show. The night before his first battle (when he meets up with his dad after escaping the Eyrie) he's drinking with Bronn and Shae and playing the game where you guess things about other people. Tyrion tells the story of Tysha. He may not mention her by name but he absolutely talks

They mention it a lot more in the books but I think it's been mentioned here and there on the show. You can take it before or after the act to prevent pregnancy.