
If we got through Amy Poehler and Will Arnett splitting up, we can get through anything.

Ah, Doctor Spaceman.

I remember seeing Pratt on Conan a long time ago, when it was still early on Parks and Rec and he wasn't in shape and definitely wasn't considered a star and he was genuinely funny and charming. He seems like if he was my friend he'd be the friend that's fun to go out with or go to concerts or something like that. But

Based off of how quickly my wife tells me to shut up when they show up on screen (apparently me saying a single word affects her ability to see the TV screen), I'd switch Pine and Pratt but otherwise that list is sound. Although Ryan Reynolds is her all time #1 "shut up, I'm ogling" actor.

I loved when he hosted SNL and during his monologue one of the cate members came out and asked him about his name and he explained his name is Christopher but goes by Topher and the cast member brought up how ridiculous that was. Like if his son named Matthew went by Thew that he would be beat up relentlessly.

Well Crichton started it. He had kids in both books. Granted, the Lost World changed the kids to a kid from the book but either way we were getting at least 1 kid in that movie.

Pre-ordered this game. I normally don't pre-order games but it was $9 off on Amazon and came with Jak and Daxter. I've never played a Jak and Daxter game so I figured getting one for free would be a great way to try it out. I loved the other Uncharted games so figure at minimum, the controls and gameplay would be the

Awesome. I'll have to download this game. Sonic 1 and 2 were amazing. Didn't play any of the other ones through to the end, although I heard Sonic and Knuckles was really good. I remember playing some levels of that but it was so long ago.

If the zombies are all taken out at the end of the series, the wall has fallen and the wildlings are allowed to live with the rest of the 7 kingdoms, there would be no need for the night's watch. Which would open it up for Sam to take over the house.

What if they come back with zombie Hodor?

Dany definitely got frothy in the nether regions when Jon said he didn't leave her permission to leave Dragonstone to help his people.

To be fair, he was pretty horrified when the wildfire blew those ships up. I just rewatched that episode and you could tell he did that out of survival.

With everyone bouncing around all over the place this season it's getting harder to keep track of where everyone is located.

To get to Winterfell then up to East Watch would take way too much time (I know this season has had people "teleporting" everywhere). Winterfell isn't near the sea and they sailed straight from Dragonstone up to East Watch, swinging hundreds of miles inland would be really out of the way.

I think the Tarlys became a great house by default when the Tyrell's met their end. I think the Tarly's lined up with Cersei so they could take over Highgarden (or at least that territory if they wanted to stay in Horn Hill).

It was mentioned a few times in the early seasons about Robert "with his hammer". But I'm guessing most show watchers aren't really that aware of it.

Oh how I've missed the descriptions of trenchers.

But Bran wouldn't have any proof to show anyone. It'd just be his word. But Sam has the physical evidence to convince the people of Westeros.

Sansa mentioned Ghost this episode. She said something about waiting around Winterfell with Ghost. Implying Jon left Ghost behind when he went to Dragonstone.

She might be lying to Jamie. With Jamie seeing the dragon first hand, he's pretty much ready to bend the knee. Also, knowing for sure that Tyrion didn't kill Joffrey I think Jamie would be ready to pack it all in and bow to the new queen. Cersie needed something to keep him with her. I think she is pregnant but I