
That's how Sam becomes lord of Horn Hill and maybe Highgarden.

I took it as that Dany has enough control/connection with Drogon that she would have known if that's what he was going to do.

Thanks! That's what I'm hoping!

Thanks for the input!

Hmm, not using an AV receiver but I'll definitely look into the refresh rates to see if that might be causing the problem if it persists after switching the physical inputs. Thanks!

After googling it, I realized it was in Community and I have seen Community! Although it's been years since I've watched it (don't have Hulu). Super Britta'd it.

Excellent idea!

Soo, I just read the Game Review of Hellblade (after reading all the comments about it) and consider me interested! I know it's made by the people that made DMC, but what's the gameplay like? Is it DMC/Bayonetta lite? Is it kind of like God of War? When I first heard of the game I figured it was an RPG, but I'm

I guess I'm streets adjacent because this is the first I'm hearing of it.

Ugh, sounds like I might have to post from my phone on bathroom breaks during work. So once this change happens expact a lot of tipos and mashed up weirds doo to quik swype typing with no proof redding!

Reading your exchange with @DrFlimFlam:disqus is really making me want to get a Switch immediately.

Not sure how far I am in that game but I need to pick it up. It's definitely enjoyable but I heard there's a point where the difficulty unfairly ramps up.

I was disappointed that I forgot to join and defend the honor of bikes!

Those were my issues with the game!

My assumption for the number of scorpions on the loot train isn't that they didn't make multiple, it's that it's hard to transfer multiple scorpions while transporting a ton of food and the gold that was sent ahead. If it's revealed next week that it was the only one produced and there aren't dozens in kings landing,


PS4 slim. I'm going to try switching the HDMI input it's plugged into first (switch the Wii-U and PS4 and see if it happens on the Wii-U), if it's still happening on the PS4 only then I'll know it's not the input but something with the PS4. Which would lead me to try a new HDMI cable. The HDMI cable that came with the

I need to try Metal Gear Solid 3 again. I tried playing it after I finished 2 last year and I gave up on it after a couple hours. I just could get the hang of it for some reason. But I think I was trying to play it like 2, which doesn't seem like the ideal way to play it. So maybe some distance will allow me to

I'm worried because I read that you have to log in with facebook/google/twitter. I comment on here from work and my work computer is super firewalled against all that. Can't sign into facebook, can't check my gmail or anything. I saw you can have a "burner account" which I'm hoping is like signing into Disqus through

You are the one who is dumb! Due to your gaming preferences!!