
Sam is doing better romantically than anyone on the show. Is there another relationship on the show where the 2 people genuinely care about each other? Maybe Jamie and Cersei? but it's sad when a brother/sister relationship is the closest thing to love outside of Sam.

That battle was better shot than most movies. And the dragon CGI was really on point this episode.

HBO GO has issues too. I'm rewatching the series from the beginning with my wife (her first time watching) and at least once an episode the show just pauses and no buttons work (pause, play, rewind, etc.) and it's not buffering because the circles don't show up. So I have to restart the app. Plus sometimes when we're

Oddjob = illegal. Spent so much time with my friends on this one. Between this, Mario Kart 64, Mario Tennis, WCW vs NWO and NFL Blitz, we must have put in 1,000 hours.

I don't see the Dothraki settling down in one place. Their best bet is going back to Essos.

Maybe it's just me, but it seemed like in Arya and Brienne's training session that if Brienne had actually hit Arya, Arya would have died. I know Brienne's sword is blunted for training purposes, but it's still heavy and Arya is small and not wearing armor and Brienne was swinging that thing directly at her head at

The Hound was in the throne room when the city watch turned on Ned and Littlefinger put a knife to Ned's throat and told him he warned Ned not to trust him.

I think the Dothraki needed to get into the field and fight. It's pretty much all they know so keeping them holed up at Dragonstone would make them restless and bad things would happen.

Nice little call-back to season 2 when Davos and Jon and talking and Jon mentions that they have "less" of something, and Davos corrects him and says "fewer". This goes back to season 2 when Davos is talking to Stannis and Davos says they have "less" of something and Stannis corrects him and says "fewer". I only know

You could also play BotW on the gamepad by itself on Wii-U. I know that wouldn't help him out since he has a Switch. But I would still be playing that game if I wasn't able to play off-screen.

True, but my wife takes unnaturally hot showers so I think that's a power women have in general. Unless my wife has the blood of the dragon in her…

It's great going through season 1 right now while season 7 is going on. Saw the Arya "that's not me" line and all this other stuff that lines up with the current season.

Disclaimer: I'm stupid too so I may have issues as well.

That's what I thought too.

With dragon-glass weapons.

The worst when you're in 5th-8th place and keep getting either a single green turtle shell, single banana or a single mushroom (on a track where mushrooms aren't all that helpful, like rainbow road).

That doesn't bode well…

Just watched that episode from season 1 last night and that's what happened.

Sansa was at the execution too and standing next to Joffrey.

The Hound knew though, I'm re-watching season 1 with my wife and the Hound was in the throne room when the city watch turned on Ned and Littlefinger put a knife to his throat. It never showed the Hound tell Arya that but the Hound is in the area of the north, maybe he stops by Winterfell?