
Maybe the try to come around the side but get turned back by some dragon-glass weapons or something.

That happened, plus is season 1 she puts a dragon egg on a bunch of burning coals and lifts it up and her servant grabs it from her and the servants hands are burned but not Daenerys'. This invulnerability to fire/heat is a TV show aspect, in the book it's a one time thing with the hatching of the dragon eggs.

I roll with the Standard Bike L with Waluigi at all times!

I do this if the other 3 members head straight to the middle, because you're right a lot of times the middle of the map is evenly split and it's a matter of who splatted their own end the most. If I see one person already doing that I'll head to the middle, but not in the same path that the other 2 members go, I'll go

Hot sauce all the time on eggs (sriracha on egg sandwiches since it's not runny and watery) and cayenne pepper mixed into the eggs before they're cooked!

Looking forward to Tuesday! I should be able to play, just a matter of remembering. But with Zelda out of the way, I shouldn't forget. Bayonetta 2 was a great looking game and I played it on a 10 year old 30-something inch TV. I'll probably load that up again on my TV I have now that is much better than the old one.

I played III on PS3 and the graphics leap was huge (played the HD Re-masters of I and II on the PS3 as well). Then I played the 2 PSP games on the HD Re-masters on PS3 and that was a huge leap backwards. III is a great game, easiest of the three but I really dug the story and it has some really cool moments in it.

I don't know and I know it's been out a long time but I remember reading that the game was a straight-up buggy mess at launch. Even if they fixed the game enough to play, it could still be buggy. That being said, it's free so there's nothing to lose.

They did this in the show too. I finally got my wife into the show and we've started from season 1. Just finished season 1 yesterday. Mormont sent Thorne to Kings Landing with the wight hand to keep Thorne away from Snow. I'll tell you what, watching season 1 while watching this season has been amazing. So many

Yeah, I saw that too but it still stinks. I do like that you can't just "quit" in the middle of a game. That would be game-breaking if they let you just quit in a game and didn't add anyone in your spot.

That's a great way of putting it. It definitely had the feeling of "this is just 1 video game". I think the use of music at Hyrule Castle was phenomenal as well. I know some people complained about the music (or lack thereof) for a majority of the game, but I thought it was used well and when I got to Hyrule Castle

I hate when a Splatoon teammate ends a game with 0. Makes me so mad. I don't have Splatoon 2 (or a Switch) yet but that problem pops up in the first one too.

I downloaded Just Cause 3 since it was free, I haven't fired it up yet but I'm looking forward to trying it out. I remember hearing it was really buggy when it came out, I'm assuming those issues have been fixed?

Calamity Ganon is destroyed! All 120 shrines have been found! I think all the side-quests are done, but I'm not sure! 202 korok seeds have been discovered! 125 hours of my life were poured into that game (which is 5 times longer than I've played any other single player game, which was Twilight Princess)! And my time

I was never a fan of Flo. Where's Lily from AT&T???

There's one right outside the walls of Winterfell. I'm watching season 1 again (my wife is now finally interested in watching this show now that her family has started watching it) and when Tyrion stops back at Winterfell after going up to the Wall with Jon, Robb only offers Tyrion hospitality when Tyrion gives Bran

She also has Varys who knows everything. Granted he lost his little birds to Qyburn but I'm sure he's still getting inside scoops.

Yeah, I took it as them not wanting to risk spreading the infection of greyscale as well. I mean, they may be the smartest people in Westeros but they still had the guy that was emptying their chamber-pots fill up their soup bowls and I don't think they really have soap around.

Sansa's keeping Littlefinger around because without him and the knights of the Vale, they would have lost the battle for Winterfell. It wouldn't endear her to the Vale to just say, "thanks for the help, now get the eff out!"

Well Cersei and them traveled by the King's Road in that first episode with a massive group of people which would be slower. Jon probably went straight over to the sea and sailed down to Dragonstone which would be significantly quicker.