
True, I'm lucky in that it doesn't give me headaches so if it did then I'd probably feel the same way. Overall I'm all for movies only being in 2D unless the 3D is really well done and serves a purpose.

I know exactly what scene your talking about, that was the only moment that stuck out as good 3D in that movie.

Avatar in 3D was worth it. Say what you will about the movie itself, but you can tell the shot that to be seen in 3D. I wish I saw Dredd in 3D. I watched it in 2D about 2 years ago on my TV at home and immediately regretted not seeing it in the theater in 3D.

Spared no expense. Sorry, someone had to say it. Last weekend at an outdoor concert venue in Philadelphia, they showed Jurassic Park on a bunch of screens and had the Philadelphia Orchestra play the score while the movie played. Honestly, it was awesome and I enjoyed it more than when I went back to see JP in IMAX 3D.

My biggest thing in 1 was those dogs that would split into 2 smaller dogs when you hit them a few times but then would grow back to full size if you didn't finish them off quickly. I remember a sequence where there was a lot of them on the screen at once and I couldn't get past it so I searched online and found out a

I missed this article the first time around but after watching Dredd in 2-D on my TV at home, I'm seriously kicking myself for not seeing this in 3-D in the theater.

Even if Dany is fireproof, the Targareans aren't. One of them died in that fire at the summer home. I don't remember the name/location.

I enjoyed all of them (got 1 and 2 on the HD game and 3 on PS3). They get easier with each game though. 1 being the hardest of them all (or maybe I just wasn't used to the play-style of it when I started it and when I played 2 and 3 right afterwards I was really good at what I was doing).

One thing I will add about the lame weapons the sand snakes had, they weren't technically sailing to war right there and then. They were just swinging by Dorne to pick up the army to then go back and attack Kings Landing. So in theory, they could have picked up better weapons back in Dorne. Having said that, with how

Plus Jon has to be Rhaegar's since the royal guard was there with Lyanna.

Plus, referring to the books, GRRM has said that Dany isn't fireproof and that the thing with the dragon eggs/fire was a 1 time deal.

I was surprised by how fast it was too but they reassured us that it's normal. I'm currently squirrelling away money to potentially justify getting a Switch without really using any of my or her paychecks. I have that savings account that transfers a dollar to it from your checking every time you use your debit card

I missed last week's WAYPTW last week and my memory is terrible so I didn't remember that from before.

It really is, I used to think, "I don't need to digitally buy games, I can just buy the discs and get up and switch them out, it's not a big deal." But after downloading Splatoon due to getting a discount for doing the trial beforehand really sold me on digital downloads for online games. Even now with my PS4 I have

If/when I get a Switch, Splatoon 2, Mario Kart and Smash Bros (if/when that comes out) will all be digital downloads. On my Wii-U I have the discs for Kart and Smash but downloaded Splatoon and being able to switch games on the fly for online multiplayer games is so much better.

Maybe if they even just showed her using the whip to take people out before the Euron showdown. Just something to show why it wasn't completely stupid to just have a whip. I mean, Indian Jones did take out a bunch of Nazis using a whip.

I think the raven will arrive at Winterfell while Jon is at Dragonstone. I think Sansa will find out and tell Littlefinger, then something messed up will happen. It's Game of Thrones, so of course "something messed up" is going to happen, but that's what I think the lead-up to it will be.

That's impressive. What did you do if you got someone and it wasn't a headshot? Like if you accidentally shot a gas tank or whatever explodes when you shoot it in that game (I've been playing Zelda for about 4 months straight and I was about to type "red barrels with scull and cross-bones on it, but realized that

Your "Kinda sad week in my 3DS" quote really threw me off for a minute since you didn't mention a 3DS system in that whole paragraph until I read the bottom. I'm soooo ready for a Switch but I was reminded why I can't get one right now when we went to the doctor and got to hear our baby's heartbeat! Seeing the

Splatoon 2 is giving me some massive FOMO about the Switch. I've played the first one a few times recently, it's a lot more fun to play the ranked mode not that I stopped caring about my rank. I used to stop playing if I lost 2 games in a row and falling through my ranks. But now I don't really care anymore, I'm not