
Still finishing up Breath of the Wild. About 120 hours in (which is 3 times longer than I've ever spent on a single player campaign, the longest before that being Twilight Princess) I'm finally in Central Hyrule and have unlocked all the towers. Have 2 memories left (judging by the pictures I know where one of them is

That's one of my favorite episodes. The whole bit about the dog licking peanut butter off his junk being a guy in a dog costume had me dying.

Parallel Parkinson's Disease.

iBrain is the hardest I've ever laughed on public transportation in my life, in the quiet car no less. That thing really takes a turn.

Andy Daly's first appearance as August Lindt on the episode with Todd Glass and PFT (playing himself). Going into detail about how he's going to commit suicide on the Hollywood Sign, "only" getting 6 months vacation from his job (which isn't enough time to justify bringing his family on vacation with him) and I


I thought everyone agreed that Jason Mantzoukas will be taking this over after Aukerman's death.

True, because for Update you kind of have to be "shocking" because you have to set up and deliver the punch-line in about 2-3 sentences. But one of my favorite "shock" Norm things he does is the ESPYS. I still bring that up on YouTube from time to time just because it's so hilarious.

I also liked the, "Scientists in Germany have developed underwear for men with a pheromone that is irresistible to women. Maybe it's just me, but if you have a woman's face in your crotch, you probably don't need the help of special underwear." That's not a direct quote but it's the gist of it.

The thing is, they showed in him the episode Super Best Friends (might have been season 4 or 5) and it was all fine because this was before what happened in Europe. But there weren't any attacks or anything. But if they did the exact same thing today it'd be Armageddon.

Jon mentions in his speech to the northern lords in this episode that dragon glass kills the white walkers and their army, implying that it will work on the wights.

Never got to play this one since I never had a GameCube and for some reason never picked it up when I had my Wii (gave that to my nephew when I got a Wii-U). I was hoping for a re-release on Wii-U but that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon.

Agree on Missandei.

But I believe I've heard that this covers more than just the first book. I don't know. I'm withholding judgment until I see the film, but this is worrisome.

I think he was in the throne room when Littlefinger held a knife to Ned's neck and told Ned that Ned shouldn't have trusted him.

I want the Hound at Winterfell so he inform Sansa about Littlefinger's role in her dad's arrest/death.

The books do a great job showing how Jamie can never change how people view him (kingslayer), even if I was 100% the correct thing to do.

I think after Stannis killed his own daughter Davos was done with him.

The Old Gods seem to be shown to be correct as well. The Weirwood Trees, Children of the Forrest, magic spells used on the wall. We can all agree that the 7 are a load of crap though.

You can swap out "British" for "United Kingdomers" and be correct. British would apply to Rory and Paul, but Richard isn't "British", he's part of the UK though.