
I just spent 15 minutes with the mouse hovering over the "Add To Cart" icon, thinking how I could potentially justify this purchase to my wife while I'm still playing through Zelda on Wii-U with other Wii-U games I have to finish….

We're having my wife's family over for dinner for my mother-in-law's birthday on Saturday so I'm going to be signing on when they leave. Being on the east coast, it helps it starts at 9pm for me because my pregnant wife isn't too keen on staying up past 8:45 most nights.
Edit: Speaking of Castlevania, do you plan on

Sorry to hear that, man. I know sometimes when I feel like that I go back and rewatch a funny movie I haven't seen in a long time to get some laughs or play a game I've played before but I really enjoy. I find it's easier to go back to something you know and enjoy when feeling that way rather than play/watch something

Not reading your spoiler, I downloaded this because I am a huge GoT fan as well and was hoping this would be good. Bummed to hear that might not be the case but it's free so oh well.

Don't forget 8 on the 8th! Man, Splatoon 2 is making me itch for a Switch!

100+ hours in and I'm still going through Breath of the Wild. I didn't get much of an opportunity to play this past week so when I picked it up last night I told myself I was going to just try to unlock the last 3 towers, finish the last divine beast and head towards Hyrule castle. Well that didn't go as planned, I'm

I was trying to see it when it comes to Philly but unfortunately I couldn't make it when it's in town.

At the end of the last episode when Hanzee rescues those 2 kids at the baseball field from the bullies, one was deaf. The deaf one was Mr. Wrench, the other was Mr. Numbers.

He's the only character that's been in all 3 seasons.

Yep, that's my biggest gripe with Battlefield 1. It's also a reason Mario Kart is a great online game.

I grew up in the DC Metro Area (Manassas, Virginia. Home to 2 critical battles in the Civil War and the Bobbits, people mostly know it for the Lorena/John Bobbit angle) but both of my parents were from Philly so we were in Philly for every holiday and for just about every occasion. I grew up liking all the Philly

Thank you for the congratulations and the kind words! I'm trying to sleep as much as I can between now and January since it seems like sleep won't be an option then.
Were you able to check out any of the other museums on the Ben Franklin Parkway (the road between the Art Museum and City Hall)? There are some great

Ah, I have that side-quest but I didn't do it yet. That and the Zora Monuments are on my to do list. But I feel so far removed from that section of the game (just did the desert section) that it would feel weird going back now.

Where is that side-quest?

That's where hanging weapons on the wall would backfire.

Unfortunately all my friends have PS4's or XBOX's and not Wii-U so I'm always playing with strangers.

I wish when you beat the game it ended with Princess Zelda finding out how much you just ran around Hyrule doing menial side quests/just running around and have her response. Like you beat the game and Zelda yells at you, "I was trapped in this castle for over 100 years and instead of coming to rescue me you protected

Thanks! That's an excellent point! I'm also keeping an eye on her purchases, if she buys something that adds up to about $300 them I'm going to splurge and get a Switch! Although I still have Zelda and other Wii-U games to play so it's not something I'm planning on getting now (plus the only available consoles seem to

Thanks! I am looking forward to when my child is old enough to play games and Mario Kart will definitely on the list of games to play together!

True, but since you have to buy both might as well get them now. That being said, I'm not getting it until I finish my play through.