
There's a splatoon group? Does it do tournaments similar to kart on the 8th??

In Dublin definitely do the Guinness tour. Even if you're not a fan of beer there is awesome stuff to see there. Plus the tour ends in a bar at the top of the brewery that gives 360 degree views of the city. It's amazing. Trinity College is also awesome. My wife and I found a little bar there (in the back right corner

On the flight to Ireland you want to sleep (assuming you're coming from North America). You'll take off around 10pm (if you're leaving from the East Coast) and land in Ireland around 8am their time. If you stay awake that whole time you're going to be a zombie by noon Ireland time and if you take a nap during the day

They have to be doing that with the chat so they aren't responsible for kids getting online to play Mario kart and all of a sudden a 13 year old starts spouting racist stuff. This way, if you want to do voice-chat, you have to go through the extra step of using your phone and all that as a buffer so that you only hear

I haven't played on the 8th since January I think. Two months was because I got sucked into the Zelda vortex but otherwise I've been busy on the 8th!

Bummed I'll be missing it next week but I'm looking forward to July!

We don't let them in. *raises hand for high 5*

True, if everything comes together as I hope it does, we'll be a good team. Then if the Lakers stink again next season and end up with a top 5 pick it's ours (we get their pick unprotected next year) and if the Kings continue to be terrible we could get a good pick from them in 2019 (we get their first round pick

I got a PS4 slim and was bummed about the lack of optical digital output. I had a great headset from my PS3 that I couldn't use on my PS4. But I still have my PS3 in the basement so it gets used. I bought a wireless headset for the PS4 but the sound quality isn't as good.

Do you have to play Wind Waker on the tablet? I'm going to borrow Wind Waker from my cousin after I'm done Breath of the Wild but I was hoping I'd be able to play just on the tablet.

I'm out of town again this weekend but when I get back on Sunday I'll be playing more Breath of the Wild. Was able to sneak my way into Gerudo and basically initiated 8 side quests just by walking around. I took care of the ones I could in there (opened up the jewelry shop and got into the secret club) and now I just

I saw Hard Rain in theaters. It was awful.

As a Philly fan, it's been really tough sledding recently with the 76ers. But if Embiid is consistently the player he was for 30 games last year and can stay healthy and Simmons is who we hope he is and stays healthy, this team is going to be good and it'll be worth it. If neither can ever stay healthy and go the way

I wasn't expecting Cleveland to win last year either. But yeah, with KD in Golden State now, it's hard to see how the Cleve can pull this out.

Not only that, I thought I read Bee Movie. So I thought Jerry Seinfeld's daughter was making a Bee Movie spin-off. I need coffee.

It has wireless crapability.

I think there was also a Lemon Party joke in season 1 or beginning of season 2. I'm re-watching 30 Rock (for the millionth time) and there's a part where Lemon and Jack are talking and the phrase Lemon Party gets mentioned really quickly and nonchalantly. But the one with her dad is best one.

Kent was great. *looks at Catherine's stomach* "It's a boy"

I gave one dog 2 prime steaks and 2 apples and got nothing.

Painting is the worst. When my wife and I were painting our house it was right when Splatoon came out. I was praying for a roller the size of the ones in the game or a nice machine gun painter.