
Congrats on the wedding! It'll fly by. That's pretty funny about the desserts. One wedding invitation I got had a part that said "I will dance to ___________" and so I wrote "All types of ill sh!t". Turns out, the playlist was selected by the couple and supplemented by the RSVP songs (unbeknownst to me). So I went up

For the Goron City, go to the stable in the region first and talk to everyone. That'll get you started. Then I suggest following the road directly up to the city.

I'm in no position to judge anyone for not being done Zelda. I still have a lot of time ahead of me in that game. I've given up on horses (about 40 or so hours ago), can't explore while on a horse. So I'm literally running around Hyrule, climbing every mountain/cliff and looking under just about every rock. Loving

Gooble Gobble! Gooble Gobble!

At first I was worried because I heard that the master sword can break, but then I heard that it repairs itself so it's not that big of a deal. But man was I surprised when I picked up the Master Sword and it had a ranking of 30. I get they don't want to make it overpowered so you just use it all the time, but at

I enjoyed the stealth missions in episode 2 of burial at sea as well. Bioshock infinite and the DLC definitely had their issues, but I enjoyed them both greatly.

I really want to play Horizon, I'm still plowing through Zelda (70+ hours in and still have 2 divine beasts to go and almost half the map to unlock). I think I'm going to wait a little bit between Zelda and Horizon though. Two huge open world games like that in a row might be a little much. I need to get back to Tomb

That's the way to go. I'm not a programmer, but my friend's husband is and that's what he did. He started with a small company and now it's growing and he has a stake in the company. So even if he doesn't go to a big AAA company, he really likes where he's working directly benefits when the company does well.

No plans this weekend, except some work around the house, which means more Zelda for me. I have the Master Sword now and have upgraded my slots immensely for weapons, but I still find myself in some conundrums where I don't know whether I should pick up a new weapon or roll with what I have. Haven't used the Master

Oh man, that's it! They should release 32X games on Nintendo's VC or download for PS Network or something. Some of those games were awesome.

Charles would have the bigger issue with it, Amy would be all for it (based off of last week's episode where she took the Lieutenant's test).

Badge before va-!

I was toying with the idea of using hand gestures….. For. Emphasis. That line reading was gold.

I remember there was a Mech game for 32X (yes I had one of those, and I actually loved it until it broke) that was really great. I couldn't make it past a certain level though and then the 32X broke. But I wish I could remember the name of that game.

I found out about them pretty randomly (I heard one of their songs on a random burned CD), this was around 2000, and then really got into them (their first major album Quality Control is amazing). They broke up around 10 years ago but have gotten back together in the past 2 or so years, they are phenomenal live. I

100% agree on Ren and Stimpy.

I'm assuming you're not going to the Jurassic 5 concert in Philadelphia on June 8th?

I always forget who's who when playing that too (outside of FlimFlam). One thing I'm really bummed about with missing it next month is that the 8th is on a Thursday. which makes this thread a lot more fun because you can rehash who eeked out some wins and who got screwed over by the Kart Gods.

Oh man, that always seems to happen and it's always Wild Woods or the Toad Ice track. I like those tracks, but it seems they come up the most. I pretty much race those every single time I log on but I rarely get Wario Mountain, which is my favorite track in the game. Plus it's the worst when everyone chooses the same

Thanks! I'm really excited for the concert, stinks it's the same night as the 8th but oh well.
My favorite part of kart on the 8th (and in general) is the mad dash at the end when everyone is using their items rapid fire to get the best position they can. My favorite is using a star right before a lightning strike