
I need to sacrifice a scale to the statue in Akkala, stupid greedy statue…

Never apologize for anything on Kart on the 8th. All is fair is kart and war.

You don't mess with the Flamily.

I missed kart again, and the worst part is that I'm realizing now that when I was playing Zelda on the 8th, the home button on my gamepad flashed a few times (meaning people in my friends list were getting online) and it must have been you guys getting on for kart!

I was even thinking about it at work and when I first got home from work. Then I ate dinner and popped on Zelda, looked up and it was 10:30pm and went to bed. Woke up the next day and thought, "I made a huge mistake".

I've only played Darksiders 2, which I enjoy (I'm about 23 hours in, but then Zelda came out and well, I haven't picked it back up since). Sounds like some of your issues with 1 aren't going to be as big of a problem in 2. But I haven't played 1 so I don't have a direct comparison for you.

Got sucked into Zelda and missed Kart on the 8th. I've decided I'm a terrible person.

Regarding the horse in Zelda. Just don't use horses. I was backtracking too much and it really hindered my exploring when I had a horse. I either fast travel if I need to go far, or I'll climb a cliff or large rock and glide to where I need to go.

Have you played Uncharted 4?

The Party is a top notch episode. Absolutely amazing.

Plus Jakes' face after he tells Holt that Amy's naked and embarrassed of her "weird body", you could tell he felt bad about saying that.

Plus depends if you went to a lot of loud concerts and all that which could accelerate hearing loss.

Wasn't Jake holding her ears when they made the noise? Or was that Rosa?

I think it was something to add more mystery to Rosa (if that is her real name, remember).

Jake role-playing as Amy was hilarious and the Rosa line as Amy cracked me up too.

They're leaning hard into Boyle being full-Boyle now like they've been leaning into Jake doing the whole "You've got to rephrase that" or "Blah blah blah, now that I say that I realize blah blah blah".

Is it bad that when I first saw the sombrero restaurant I had that exact thought and then to hear Holt say it made me both proud and a little weirded out.

I legitimately want to try tequila steam.

I thought Rosa's hung over workout groaning was on point. That is the worst.

No mention of Jake walking and talking like Amy? Hilarious. His comment about her always being cold and walking on the sunny side of the street really got me, because my wife is always cold as well. Also, how could the reviewer put the Holt-Terry back and forth without the ending:
"Sweet! This will be fun!"
"I hope not.