
Well, I totally beefed it and missed Mario Kart 8 on the 8th again! After missing it the past few months due to not being home, I missed it because I got sucked into the Zelda Vortex and lost track of time. Next month I'm going to a concert on the 8th so I'll miss it again. So bummed.
Speaking of the Zelda Vortex, I

I think people are in such a rush to grow up when they're younger that they go towards anything more realistic/violent like that. But once you're an adult and your gaming time becomes more sparse, you tend to look for great games to play no matter what. Plus nostalgia and I think being able to share the cartoony games

Trying to attack areas in stealth was a major highlight in 4 for me. Loved it.

Also, the game without the glider would totally nullify the fun of climbing mountains and cliffs. Imagine trying to climb all the way back down or finding some safe route that takes you in the complete wrong direction. I wonder if they implemented the climbing aspect of the game and while testing the game realized

I was doing that constantly when I had a horse with me. The did a great job of making it easy to get on and off the horse.

My favorite is when teenagers say Nintendo is for little kids. What a ridiculous thing to say. I'm 34 and love me some Nintendo. I think it's a lot of insecure young people (teenagers) that feel like playing a game that has a cartoon aesthetic makes them less than or isn't cool. Excuse me while I go yell at some

That's exactly why I stopped riding horses. Haven't made it to Gerudo yet, making my way up death mountain at the moment. Seeing that lizard climbing around on the mountain is awesome.

Completely forgot about that! I'm too entranced by freed Divine Beast Elephant jumping around below all that stuff!

True, I'm just following the main quest objectives and going in that order. But you're right, you can tackle anything in any order pretty much.

That game without the glider would be such a grind. I like gliding above enemies and dropping bombs on them from above. I didn't realize you could do that until I accidentally hit "L" while gliding and a bomb just fell straight down. Dropped a well placed bomb next to those exploding barrels and took out a bunch of

The only reason I have a Playstation 4 is that when I was getting back into gaming at the beginning of the PS3/XBOX360 era is that my 3 brothers all had PS3's and would play games online together. So I got a PS3 so I could play with them. Then that carried over to the PS4 and we all have that now. It wasn't some

I'm just glad they keep an icon of your horse on the map when you don't board it in a stable. It's nice knowing that donkey is just standing in a field while mule is in a stable and I can get him at any stable (that's how that works, right?).

I read people complaining about the world being too big even with horses and all that, which was a complaint I can't relate to at all. I'm running all over Hyrule and I can't get enough of it. It's just funny because riding Epona is such a huge part of most Zelda games and I'm just completely ignoring horses.

I remember Hexen from back in the day. That game was weird.

I haven't come to that part yet. I got my first horse to trust me, but seeing as how I left him in a field outside of Hateno Village, he might not like me anymore. I got a 2nd horse and boarded it at a stable but I didn't spend a lot of time with it. I wish you could fast travel with the horse.

I find myself running in a serpentine manner when traversing open planes, I don't want to miss anything. Thank goodness for stamps, I have chests full of shields/bow/weapons all over Hyrule. The thing is, most of them aren't powerful enough for the enemies I'm fighting, but it's good to know if I'm in a pinch I can

I miss bomberman. I remember my middle school days of playing that with friends on Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo. I'd love a bomberman with legit online play, but I don't own a Switch. Also, regarding your comment on the Zelda DLC and what people on other sites are saying, I agree and I find it hilarious that people

I think once I traverse most of the map and get a lot of shrines and do my exploring in the places that aren't horse friendly, I'll probably start riding a horse more to get places. But I'll probably fast travel. I don't know. I just seem to climb everything and paraglide when I need to go long distances. I love how

Is there a place you can check to see how many shrines you've completed in the game? I haven't checked to see yet because I still have so much of the game to go it wouldn't matter. I found the second fairy fountain (at least I think it's the second). First was by Kakariko village, this one was in Akkala. I need to

As long as I don't get sucked into Zelda and lose track of time, I'll be there! Been a few months since I've played. I'll absolutely be voting Baby Park, along with Wario Mountain and Ribbon Road!