
Captain Toad is a lot of fun. Join us on Monday for Mario Kart 8 on the 8th at 8 (Central Time)! The info is below in @disqus_O9CsmwQErc:disqus's post.

Obviously still playing Breath of the Wild but I have a question for everyone. How often are you riding a horse in that game? I'm asking because I've notice that I just don't ride a horse at all. I did when I came across the first stable by dueling peaks. I rode the horse around and until I got to Hateno. But after

I haven't had burger king in probably 6 years and before that I can't think of when. I've probably had burger king 6-7 times in my whole life. I always come away disappointed.

Great episode, surprised by the B grade. I laughed out loud when the one twin asked "what's an orgasm?". I definitely expected them to ask a sex question after Jake and Amy gave them the initial speech, but I was expecting it to be the more cut and dry "where do babies come from" or something like that. Really glad

The saddest part of McDonald's is that their fries aren't nearly as good as they once were. They always seem to be cold immediately after they hand you your order (even if they just came out of the fryer). The fries also seem kind of hollow and aren't very crispy anymore. Wendy's fries are now superior, in my opinion.

I loved those too! I think I was right around middle school when that came out too.

Hards-on reminded me of whoppers jr from comedy bang bang. I was cracking up.

Reminds me of the Parks and Rec episode where Billy Eichner is reciting things he loves to calm him down and Keri Russell's hair is one of the things he mentions. Holly Taylor has great hair too.

I think after the last season is over next year, we'll look back on this season more favorably. Instead of having a table setting episode, they're doing a table setting season which means next season should be amazing, which wouldn't be possible without the set up.

NEVER!!! I say that as someone who's not getting a Switch anytime soon. So hopefully the 8th stays on Wii-U for a while.

Thanks! The fact that at over 40 hours of gameplay I haven't tired one bit is a testament to this game. The flying guardians are terrible, it wouldn't even let me lock onto one when it was about to blast me with its laser. I jumped off a cliff (right at the base of the Akkala tower) and paraglided (paraglode?) behind

Definitely agree with those picks (never played a Pikmin game though), but when I think about the game I've put the most time into, it's kart by a mile.

That's another reason I want to have a buffer between Zelda and Horizon, I can't imagine open world games any other way now.

I'm going to be borrowing Horizon from my brother when I'm done Zelda, but I have a feeling I'm going to need to play a few games between Zelda and Horizon. Two massive open world games like that back to back might be a little much, need a buffer.

My previous longest play through on a game was 43 hours in Twilight Princess on the Wii. I've definitely played games like Mario Kart and Splatoon for longer than that, but story games, 43 hours was the record until I surpassed that with this game and I don't even have a 1/3rd of the map unlocked yet. Expect my What

I'm going to download Rocket League, it's on sale now. One thing that was stopping me was that my brother said it's basically just people who have played it forever and being a beginner at this point really sets you behind the 8-ball and makes the game not as fun. But I've heard different things on this board.

You lucky SOB, getting Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and here I am, playing the non-deluxe version like some luddite!

I bought Star Fox w/ Guard when it came out (Amazon had a discount), but I haven't played it yet. I will definitely get to it but it's BotW for the foreseeable future for me.

Welcome to the Wii-U club! While BotW is definitely monopolizing my time, there are plenty of great games you should check out, I suggest Mario Kart 8 so you can join us for Mario Kart 8 on the 8th!

Actually got a lot of time in Breath of the Wild this past week. First divine beast is down! So I did most of the side quests from Zora's domain and am stumbling around Akkala. Have to find all the stone tablets or whatever but I'm not doing that yet. Also have to find that guy's wife who washed away. But I decided to