
It's up there with Placebo Effect for me. The running gag of Malory being terrible to her Irish super (the whole exchange about giving an Irishman a potato only for the Irishman to decide between eating it and waiting for it to ferment cracks me up) gets finished by Archer asking for a potato to cut the salt in the

Kreiger's dismissive tone in line readings like that always kill me. Like in Lo Scandelo when he's in the bathroom to get rid of the body and finds the marital aid inside him and he asks Malory if he can keep it and she says something along the lines of she doesn't care what he does with it as long he gets it out of

Do you want ants??? Because that's how you get ants!!


Scully, my followers are tired of seeing you eat cement!

That line cracked me up.

After the first person drank it, she did say something along the lines of watching the person to see I they die.

Plus when Holt tells them that Jake and Boyle aren't going take the easy bust and Rosa says, "So Jake's doing the right thing and not the selfish thing?" you can see Amy give a little smirk showing she's proud of Jake. Also, Jake's expression when Amy came the conclusion that her "friend" at HQ was just a work

"I'm stacking stones in ascending order, Lana!"

I think part of it is also that as I got older (34 now) that those sports shows just got less important in my life. Don't get me wrong, I love sports (I always take off work the first 2 days of the NCAA tourney, watch whatever games I can) but knowing that most of these shows are out to just make you so mad with at

I never heard that (I loved Hannibal) and I find that hilarious (in a sad way). I can imagine the censors, "that's too much butt-crack to show on TV, I mean, kids could watch this! Flay some other part of the body to help cover that up, it's for the kids!"

The problem with Joe Buck being dull is that some of most exciting games don't have the great play by play calls to go with them. I hate the Giants and Patriots but Joe Buck totally undersold the helmet catch when it happened. Could you imagine if Gus Johnson was calling that super bowl? I think he would have evolved

I still can't believe they got him and Al Michaels to do that movie.

I hate Mike Milbury so much. During his analysis of Flyers games, he talks about how much he hates the Flyers and Flyers fans. Isn't he supposed to be unbiased doing studio analysis? At least they normally put Keith Jones in there to remind Milbury that Philadelphia isn't very fond of him either.

The best is the clip of the terrible Joe Buck Show where Joe Buck would sit with a bunch of guests (actors, athletes, etc.) in a roundtable format. Artie Lang was a guest and he just absolutely ripped Joe Buck to shreds to the point where they took Artie off the show about a quarter of the way through. My friend

Yeah, that commercial makes me mad too. How is the coach ok with that?? Reggie wants a coke now, so he orders it on Amazon and it won't get there for 2 days. That does not solve your problem of wanting a coke now.

I'm on board with Berman. Plus the way he would talk without taking a breath and then by the end of his rants he sounded like his was choking on his words and spittle made me want to puke.

I liked his appearances on 30 Rock.

PTI is watchable due to their chemistry like you said. They respectfully disagree (which isn't something that happens at all in this country anymore), they'll agree with each other on issues (they don't disagree just to start arguments and get ratings), and their back and forth banter is top notch. All those other

Here in America we're really strict when it comes to that stuff. But violence? Jam that into a PG-13 movie as much as you want. But if 1 nipple comes out, that's an R rating. We're pretty messed up over here.