
I definitely get the reasoning behind that. I tried it with the original button layout at first but I kept hitting B to jump which wasn't working. I'm just glad they offered the option to change it. I probably would have been super frustrated for the first few hours of that game if I couldn't.

The other 20% is buying used underwear in vending machines.

I always tell myself I'll work on progressing the story but exploring in that game is just too much fun. I'll probably keep my current pace and not beat the game for a few months (not a complaint).

I don't think I talked to him after I picked up the axe. I just figured since it said "woodcutter" in the title that I would be able to chop down trees.

I think England is 16 as well.

Hmm, I talked to the old man but he didn't tell me that (or I blew through the conversation without reading it, which I don't think I did). I probably didn't talk to him long enough or something. I also liked the lightning bug side-quest in Kakariko Village because as soon as I released them in the house and got the

That game always seems to know when I'm either halfway up a cliff face and I can't turn back/paraglide off or when I need to climb a big cliff because it ALWAYS starts raining.

I rode a bear but it was after I had shot it with a bunch of arrows then hit it with a bomb arrow so it was running around on fire. It ran past me and the "mount" or "ride" or whatever prompt came up so I got on it. I soothed it once and then it died (from the fire from the bomb arrow I shot it with) and I got some

I love how you can come up with your own ways to tackle puzzles or get to shrines. Your chopping down a tree comment struck me because that really blew me away the first time I did it. I was on the great plateau and the last shrine I needed to get to was the one on top of the mountain. After all my exploring I found

It's funny, anytime I have an hour to squeeze in some Zelda it feels like I only played for 10 minutes. When I have more time, I usually tell myself I'll play for 2 hours then hop on BF1 with my brothers or race some kart. Then I look up and 3 and a half hours have flown by. It feels like actual time flies by as fast

At least Until Dawn leaned into it and said, "this is what this game is going to be about" so you wouldn't go in expecting a fully realized game and get a QTE game (I'm looking at you The Order: 1886).

For me, switching the jump button was all I needed to do for the controls to click for me. B as jump works better than X for me, probably due to playing games like God of War that used X on PS to jump.

I really wish I had more time to play Zelda so I could be further along, 40 hours in and only getting to Zora's Domain, I'm having too much fun to complain. The wife is in Baltimore for a bachelorette party this weekend and other than an "escape the room" and dinner for a friend's birthday tomorrow, I should have a

It's super easy to get distracted. I'm closing in on 40 hours of gameplay and my story progression has been minimal. Again, that's not a complaint. Yesterday a lightning storm came so I ran to a cave I saw (just to the west of the Lanayru wetlands) and there were 2 bears and a swarm of bees in it. Nothing like running

That makes sense regarding The Last of Us. It seems like grinding through that game to get trophies would sully that experience.

Still working my way through Breath of the Wild. I finally made it to Zora's Domain, the city part. I did a little exploring on the way but since it was raining the whole time and the path is essentially surrounded by cliffs, there wasn't much exploring to do. I did find a traveler's sword while working my way to

I feel situations like that it's fine. Ours was compacted by the fact that we did a different city each day, so we had to drive 2+ hours to Killarney before the Ring of Kerry tour which started around 9 and same for going to Galway (Cliffs of Moher) the next day. We were on the road before our B&Bs were making

The worst is when they call it a "Philly Steak and Cheese". Sorry, it's a cheesesteak, not a steak and cheese.

I think it's more acceptable if you have young kids with you because 1. the kids might not eat anything they haven't had before 2. if your kids are acting all nutty and like animals it'd be tough to take them to a small restaurant.

When the wife and I went to Ireland last year we had McDonald's twice. Both times it was for breakfast but we were about to get on a bus each time for a tour (Cliffs of Moher and the Ring of Kerry) and we didn't have time for an actual breakfast so we needed to eat something very fast just to have something in our