
I do the same down here in Philly, no need for fast food unless you get that itch. People that go to Subway around here when there are a million awesome places to get a hoagie are terrible people. Arby's also had a short-lived campaign where they compared their cheese steaks to Philly cheese steaks around here, I

Where's the spoiler tag???????????????????????

I guess I'll find out when I make it to the town.

I still haven't made it to the town so I just talked to him on the bridge, then he started talking to me from the river a little later. I'm not that far yet, maybe I'll like him more but it seems like he could at least help and take out some monsters for me.

Correct, not in a Pacman Jones kind of way, although that did end pretty badly too… But they appear to be water dwelling type people/creatures. They can swim upstream and appear to be able to breathe under water, so they should be loving this.

It has star power. Christian Slater, Morgan Freeman, Randy Quaid (pre-insanity), Minnie Driver, Ed Asner, Betty White, but it was quintessential 90's terrible action movie, and not in a good way.

I always head straight for the tower when I get to a new area. I feel you can kind of pick out where some shrines should be based off the map and areas that look isolated. Really hoping for some time Sunday night when I get home from Virginia to get some Zelda in. Monday I'm off but do have some homeowner chores to

Yeah, I had a couple of friends who really wanted to see it, we were about 16 and movie reviews weren't really on our radar that much, plus the internet wasn't as huge back then as it is now. But man, that was pretty terrible. But don't sleep on the awfulness that is Hard Rain. At least Battlefield Earth is one of

Well since last week I have played 45 minutes of Breath of the Wild and that's it. Out of town last weekend, busy week this week, out of town this weekend. Staying at my brother's tonight and he has a PS4 so we might play some games after our wives go to bed. Tomorrow and Sunday I'm at my parents and we'll be doing

Or even Mortal Kombat 2.

I enjoyed the first one too, you are spot on about the second one.

Probably a tie between Battlefield Earth and Hard Rain. The thing was, my friends liked Hard Rain which I think breaks the tie and makes it he worst movie I ever saw in a theater. Ugh, that move was terrible.

I was happy they actually did that. Definitely did not see that coming and it totally works.

I'll fetch a rug!

But he also doesn't view Pam directly as a guy because they used to go at it.

You didn't enjoy the clone-bone?

What could they be celebrating?

I agree. I recently re-watched that season and while the first 6 episode's stories aren't all that great, they were really funny upon 2nd watching.

That whole part of Jake freaking out about that was hilarious.

Two boring people won't work together. They need a zany person to liven their lives up and the zany person needs a boring person to reel them in a little bit.