
"You two are the worst people in the world."
"Well you just proposed to Amy in front of your girlfriend. So, potato, potahto."

She'll get back with Teddy, she thinks she can fix him.

Against who?

Yeah, those were the Flyers from my childhood-high school. The fact that those guys never got a cup is a huge bummer. Goalies are the Flyer's Achilles heel.

The Flyers season is over and it's kind of a relief. That 10 game win streak got expectations too high and then they crashing right back down through the floor. Started playing better at the end of the season but it was too late. I do like how the Flyers started calling up some of their young defensemen for the last

I took public transportation to work every day for about 9 years and I loved it. I'd read a book on the train. I plowed through so many books, it was great. Then I got a promotion to right outside of the city and I drive. I listen to pod casts but I can't zone out like I could on the train and I'm reading sooooo much

Thanks! Normally I'd be all about a milkshake from the Creamery but I'm in the middle of a weight-loss competition with my brothers and I'm in the lead. Can't slip up now!

Yeah, I found out about it on accident when I was cycling through my weapons and accidentally used it next to a raft. It's funny because everyone I've ever seen post about that shrine talks about gliding to it but when I first noticed it my first thought was, "there has to be a raft hidden somewhere on this beach".

I have it for Wii-U. I don't have a switch (yet), so unfortunately I can't bring it with me. Plus we'll be out and about most of the weekend so there wouldn't be much time to pay no matter what.

One note on getting to that shrine, if you walk along the beach right around Hateno Village, there's a raft that you can use a leaf to get yourself out to the shrine. That's what I did. But like you, I wasn't ready for it and can now fast travel back to it, which I might do soon.

I think I read it in the foreword of one of his books that my parents had rented from the library when I was home visiting years ago. Either way, hilarious story.

So your dad is a Soviet spy??

On the table when Dylan and Norman were sitting down to eat before Norman went super crazy and hit Dylan.

This weekend I'm heading out to Penn State for my sister-in-law's final a capella concert of her college career (she graduates next month). Whole family is going out so I'll be treading that fine line between having enough drinks to have fun and loosen up but not say something stupid in front of my in-laws. Should be

Man, he was a legend. I remember reading a story (as told by him) where he was hitting on a girl and Frank Sinatra was in the same place (club, casino, I don't remember). So Rickles goes up to Sinatra and asks him to come by in a few minutes and say hi to him in front of the girl Rickles is hitting on so Don can

You've got the personality of a dead moth. Why don't you buy a horse and go live in the mountains and not bother anybody.

Here's hoping he can land some good roles after this. The good thing about this show not being super popular is that he shouldn't be type cast because it's not popular enough (it's ridiculous that more people aren't watching it).

One thing that always sticks out to me on this show is the amount of food that is cooked for 2 people. Did you see how much bread was there? Each person would have had to have eaten a loaf and a half of bread, not to mention all the other food that was out.

I'm assuming Norman killed him, probably due to Dr. Edwards wanting to continue therapy and probably threatening Norman with institutionalization if he refused. That being said, if I'm the pharmacist and I tell someone that a doctor has been missing for months and is presumed dead, then the person tells me their

I was wondering what she's up to as well. I remember when I was in high school she had that music video with Usher and she was looking really good and had a good voice.