
I don't have Hulu (between cable, Netflix and Amazon Prime, I feel like I have enough streaming options), plus the rights for these shows change all the time (Party Down used to be on Netflix) so now I'll have the physical copy I can watch whenever I want. I don't do it with a lot of shows (Arrested Development, Norm

The Complete Party Down Series DVD is available on Amazon for $8. Purchased.

I love in the wedding episode at the end of season 1 when she talks about how magical it's going to be and everyone is thinking it's because they're catering a wedding, when in fact she was tripping.

You play on the PC I'm guessing?

Very good point.

Sometimes I just look at the comments to laugh at how ridiculous some people are being, but then I come across at least 1 comment that makes me fear for the future of the human race and I have to turn off the computer.

I'm not as into it as they are. I like the more arcade style FPS games. Plus I just find it hard to see enemies in that game. But it's fun to talk with my brothers and all that.

Watch out for the Marchers too!

It definitely struck me as a species that could be found in Hyrule.

Battlefield 1 is the only thing my brothers want to play. It's fun to hop online with them and talk over the headset, especially since we don't live near each other.

That's where the stamps really come in handy. Just put the treasure box stamp on a box that has a weapon in and you can resupply your arsenal whenever.

I read gamespot and IGN for some news on upcoming games and for some reviews but man, the comments section are a black hole of awfulness.

Yep, as person who just turned 34 about 2 weeks ago, I say play what makes you happy.

I've never even heard of that game, but I want to try it now.

To show you how much of a Zelda mindset I'm in, I checked my email and saw this comment was posted but didn't see what comment to which it was replying and I automatically thought it was replying to one of my earlier Zelda comments and I was thinking "I haven't even heard of these Aprilian villains in Breath of the

And Jacob's field is a great ballpark.

Seriously. One of my favorite aspects of this comment board is the lack of trolls. Someone could come on here saying they're having a blast playing Hello Kitty or something and be accepted. Or they could come in and say they hate the new Zelda, or Witcher 3 or whatever, as long as they had legit reasons as to why they

I like how one of the gifs in that is Link dying because he's fighting 3 or 4 bokoblins with an iron sledgehammer an they're using small, quick weapons and he's saying how that's how all his interactions with enemies go. Well of course you're going to die if you're attacking multiple enemies using a very slow weapon

I have one horse and I named him Donkey. "Hello, this is my horse, Donkey." For some reason I'm amused by that, much more than I should be. I need more horses…

I rescind my happy birthday to you!