
Thanks for the heads up, I figured it wouldn't be unlimited storage, but like you said, anything helps. I need to find Hetsu again and upgrade how many weapons I can carry. Two full rows just isn't enough.

Same with the Phillies. Although they're starting to get some of the young talent moving up to the big leagues. Still a lot of really good prospects in the minors that hopefully pan out and in 3 years or so the Phillies will be back to how they were in 2007-2010.

Yeah, I tried making an elixir with monster parts and I forget if it was a frog or insect or whatever and it came out as dubious food. I was confused, but I probably accidentally threw an apple in there without realizing it.

Happy birthday, fellow Marcher! Although you're one of those March birthdays in the spring. Winter March or nothing!

I would love that! I normally take my birthday off because my birthday normally coincides with the first 2 days of the NCAA tournament and I always take those off. Plus my wife can't yell at me for watching basketball all day, it's my birthday!

The actual game buying isn't really a problem for my wife because I normally wait until the game is on sale or the price drops (which normally is just a few months later). There are games I buy full price, but they're normally online multiplayer games that I'll get a ton of use out of. Story games I normally wait,

I'm dreading the day my wife tells me we have to do our spring cleaning. Although I do want to rearrange the shed in my back yard and set up some shelving in my basement (unfinished portion).

Painting is the worst (well 2nd worst behind moving), luckily I won't have to paint for a long time. We bought our house about 2 years ago and painted then. I hated doing it, but all the walls were white so we had to. I was really happy all the walls were white though, didn't have to keep applying layers to cover up

Yeah, I mean I'd probably like to stop by Bourbon Street just to see it, but it's not where I'd want to spend a lot of my time. I'd want to check out live music, eat some of the delicious food and maybe do a fan-boat ride.

Is it weird I've held off on selling stuff to Beedle because I feel like I'll find someone offering a higher price in a town? So far, I haven't. But I have a ton of amber and other minerals I should sell. But can't those be used to upgrade stuff as well?

That's really good to know. I need some swords just so I have some 1 handed weapons that I'm not saving for later. Two handed weapons definitely have their uses, but lack of defense really gets you when fighting multiple enemies.

I had a fire stick that I got off some wizard type guy in the Hateno region but like the idiot I am, I used it to light some goblins on fire and it broke. I'm realizing that was a stupid move.

Yeah, I definitely plan on keeping that until I need it. It's one of the reasons I'm thinking of buying the house. Apparently you can store weapons and items there if you upgrade it. Just have to track down the 3,000 rupees, currently have 500.

Unfortunately I did not light any of the lanterns on my way. Why? because I'm an idiot. When it stopped raining I tackled that again and I lit the lanterns. I haven't seen any side quest about the lanterns and I know I didn't light them all so I don't know about that.

I'm pretty excited baseball season is starting back up. Even though the Phillies are still years away from contending. But they're in Cincinnati for the opener on Monday!

I cooked for 20 minutes, fast travelled to a snowy peak, died and respawned right before I had done all the cooking (I thought the game would automatically save after the fast travel). I was distraught. On the other hand, I got to redo some of the recipes that left me with "dubious food".

That is a great line. I also liked in the Wii version when he would get the mushroom that makes you huge he would say "LOOOOOK OOOOOOUT FOR MEEEEEEE!" I loved running people over when he was yelling that.

Yep, I've been caught halfway up a mountain many times. Too high to just say "forget it" and glide off to something else. So I just sit there until the rain passes.

Yeah, I haven't seen a traveler's sword in a little while, and I'm still just in Hateno, the 2nd unlock-able area (story-wise) after the plateau. Stupid kid…
Two handed weapons just seem to be what I'm getting attacked with recently and I haven't found any swords in chests or anything. I like the shields too, but I

I really wish I tried to tame that bear before I shot it with a bomb arrow and set it on fire (I didn't know you could ride a bear). Don't get me wrong, that was awesome. But when it was running around setting the rest of the forest on fire it ran by me and the "mount" prompt came up and I got on it. It tried to buck