
Unfortunately I don't have a DS. I was thinking about getting one, but then the Switch was revealed and I figured it'd be better to wait and get one of those. My wife looks at me strangely when I tell her I want to get a switch and she brings up how I just got a PS4 in January and I'm still playing my Wii-U. She

That sounds like a fun thing to do in New Orleans. I've never been to NO, the wife and I want to go at some point but whenever we look at plane tickets they're super expensive. It'd actually be cheaper for us to fly to San Francisco (we're in Philadelphia) than to NO. Which just confuses the turds out of me.

Still Breath of the Wild for me. I'm way behind where everyone else is (I was going to use spoiler tags but you would all probably laugh at me for thinking anyone is as far back as I am, just been a busy few weeks and haven't had a ton of time to play). I just went to the Hateno ancient tech lab. I've been too busy

So bummed I'll be out of town next weekend! 2 in a row I've missed.

Waluigi all the way. Favorite character in Mario Kart.

It'll put you in the couch.

That's understandable and I don't think you should be able to change all of your gear, just your weapon load-out. Sometimes I want to stay in the game but switch to a different weapon that has a different secondary weapon but you have to completely quit to do that.

"It's a keychain store that has fish."-Bob
"You're a body odor store that has burgers!"-Tina
That line cracked me up.

I kind of like that you said the specials feeling less powerful but getting them more times in a match. I think that's a smart move on their part. Can you switch your load-out between matches? That's one of my bigger gripes about the first one.

True, but I also feel that the reasoning he gives for not telling her is plausible enough to work.

Ok, because I wasn't sure if I would be going back. Because I also want to push that ball in Impa's house to that platform next to the fairy fountain but she kept telling me I couldn't take it when tried to grab it.

Thanks for the heads up. I'll definitely check that out down the line. I'm trying to avoid anything spoiler related. Really glad they have the spoiler tags on here and anytime I read something about a divine beast, I quickly move on because I am probably no where close to getting to one. Every time I pick up the game

I really enjoyed going into skirmishes in stealth mode. It didn't always work out and sometimes I had to fight my way out but it worked really well and when I was busted it was my fault and not just the game being too tough or anything.

Thanks! It was weird because the guy kept talking about the fact that one was nearby and I kept thinking, "Yeah, dingus, I already found it!" and was waiting for the screen to come up saying I completed that quest. Then when I was sent to the other village I didn't know if I'd be sent back to Kakariko Village.

It's weird seeing everyone talk about being done with Breath of the Wild. I'm probably only about 10-12 hours in and I'm just heading to Hateno village after Kakariko. I'm just having too much fun exploring, which is something I normally never do and I normally don't play many open world games. But this one has its

I look forward to hearing your Splatoon 2 thoughts! I'll be stuck on the Wii-U for a while but I want to keep up with the new games.

Just another Paige in the book that is The Americans.

That's what I need to do. I haven't done anything plot wise since leaving the plateau, I've been exploring the area that the plot point is located but I pretty much explored the whole area. Hours and hours of game-play with no plot advancement, I need to start hitting some plot points.

In Virginia at my brothers today to watch the NCAA tourney. Going home tomorrow where I will pick up breath of the wild again. I still haven't hit the first story mission outside of the plateau (going to kakariko village). I've been exploring that first area so much. Climbed the dueling peaks, checked out the lakes,

The Wii-U Pro controller doesn't have a gyroscope, you have to use the gamepad in Splatoon.