
Seriously at a loss for words. Amazing.

If/when I get a Switch, I'll have no problem plopping down another $60 for Mario Kart even though the differences are minimal. It comes down, to me, to the amount of time I'm going to spend playing it. I hop on Mario Kart online every weekend for at least a little bit, sometimes a lot of bit. The return on investment

I also like it as a way for them to respawn enemies in locations you may revisit in the future without it just being "the enemies will be back just because that's how video games are".

In my quest to not have too much spoiled by reading previews/reviews of Breath of the Wild (other to find out if it was good) I never heard of the Blood Moon before playing. Well the other day I was playing and I took out a larger size camp of bokoblins and was looting their camp when I looked up and saw the moon was

Ah, I thought you meant this one. I kept it as Link in Twilight Princess but I named the horse something really stupid, I forget what it was though.

I'll play off screen when my wife is in the room and using the TV, otherwise, I want that gorgeous game on the big screen.

It especially engrossed me because I didn't have as much time with it last weekend as I thought I was going to. I do enjoy the fact that it sounds like these are still being planned out through August!
I just remembered next month on the 8th we're going to visit my sister-in-law at college for her a-capella concert,

Where do you put your own name in? I didn't see any time to do that, but I haven't really looked in the menus all that much.

I normally never do that but with this game, that's what I'm doing. I'm at least making my way towards the story marker but I'm stopping at everything along the way. I decided to at least stick in the area of the story marker and not go running around to all the other areas as I figure I'll be going there at some

I haven't come across milk yet (I'm still not very far in the game and I just about walked all over the Great Plateau before I jumped off).

You'll get there! I wasn't a big fan of the weapons breaking but now I find it adds a level of planning to the game.

I haven't reached a segment where I need the tilt for a puzzle, will I get a notification telling me I need to use the gamepad like I used to get in Super Mario Bros 3D World?

Yeah, he said it was very wooden and he didn't like the NPCs just basically waited in the same spot and never moved and only said the same things over and over. He did just get done with Fallout 4, where apparently you'll run into people in a different village and they're shopping or something.

Honestly, if I saw a restaurant named "Dubious Food" and on the sign was pixelated food, I'd absolutely eat there.

Yeah, I thought I was cooking up something good but it turned to be "dubious food" and pixelated. Link ate it and regained a heart or 2 though!

Thanks for the heads up on this, March is my birthday month too!

I use the Wii-U Pro Controller all the time when I play Zelda. I've only played on the game pad when I'm playing off screen. Otherwise I don't use the gamepad for it at all.

I completely blanked on Mario Kart 8 on the 8th! I blame Breath of the Wild for making me forget, I put on Zelda around 8pm EST thinking I'd play for an hour and then hop on 8 on the 8th at 9pm EST and it completely slipped my mind. I haven't had much time with the game and that was basically the 2nd night since I got

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is a fun game! I thoroughly enjoyed it!

My brother has Horizon: Zero Dawn and he's loving it, but he says the voice acting and cut-scenes are straight up awful. I mean, it's not enough to ruin the game for him, but he said it's pretty bad.