
So I'd like to say how I'm going to get some time in on Tomb Raider or pop in Star Fox 0 but let's be honest, this weekend is all about Zelda. I am loving it so far. I'm only about 5 hours in (was busy all weekend last weekend, busy week this week and my brother-in-law just had a baby yesterday so I haven't been home

I can't wait for the Americans tonight! Going back to reread the review of last season's finale to bring me up to speed.

My copy is sitting in my car right now and I'm just waiting to get out of work…

I agree. Too many times a reviewer just says something stinks or is great and gives some reasons as to why, but video games are more of an experience and how you personally react to them. Too many reviews end up being "this game is great and if you hate it, you're wrong" or "this game is terrible and if you like it,

One of the reasons I'm so excited for this game is that there are no experience points and all that. I HATE level grinding and it's a reason I never play pure RPG/JRPG games. I'm playing Darksiders 2 now and I haven't reached a level grinding need yet, but if I get there, I'll probably stop. Need work to end today so

I think if the disk is in the system it'll automatically download updates while in rest mode. Not 100% sure on that though. But the only time I've had to wait for updates/installs is the first time I pop a game in. BF1 hasn't had any delays for me, and they've had some updates along the way.

I just have to get in a few races Friday and Saturday nights right before I go to bed (2am or so). Then some weeknights I'll get some races in.

Both of those games are amazing. She could use a Wii-mote to collect little star bits the whole time too.

All shells on Baby Park is going to be ridiculous, I mean that in the best way possible.

Upvoted for Jurassic Park reference.

Upvoted for Jurassic Park reference. Never played any of the Earthbound/Mother games.

The dimming doesn't really dim it that much though. The light is stupid and I feel the touchpad could be utilized in an interesting way, I just don't know what way that is yet and I haven't seen it.

What I normally do is leave my PS4 is "rest mode" and it can update then. Also what I do a lot is put a game into the system when I'm about to play it, let the download start and then go to the bathroom or whatever.

I think not owning a video game system for so long helped me get into the Wii more than people who had PS2/XBOX and were getting PS3s and XBOX360s. I feel like a lot of people complained it wasn't enough of an upgrade over the PS2/XBOX/Cube generation, but since I skipped it anyway, I didn't really have that gripe.

So you never played either Mario Galaxy game???

Just went out on my lunch break and picked up Breath of the Wild for Wii-U. Got the 2nd to last copy in Target. Now I'm sitting here counting down the seconds until I get to leave, how many seconds between 12:43pm and 3:30pm? Glad I came into work at 7am today so I can leave early.

The Wii made a Nintendo fan out of me. I had an NES as a kid, then got a Genesis, then I bought a PS1 (first system I bought myself when I was in middle school with my first paycheck from reffing soccer games), then I took the PS2/XBOX/Gamecube generation off from gaming (went to college and didn't really play much).

Yeah, all those reviews definitely spoiled the cool ways I'm going to die in that game.

Yeah, they definitely need to add some tracks and characters to justify the leap. But then again, I'm an online kart junkie so once the servers go down for the Wii-U, who knows what will happen.

I won't seriously consider getting a Switch until the servers get shut down. I wasn't planning on getting a Wii-U at all until they shut down the servers and I couldn't kart online. I started shaking and itching all over. Bugs were crawling on my skin and the walls were melting for a month or two. Then I got a Wii-U