
For me, if it says it'll be there by 8pm and I'm at work, it's there at 11am. But if I'm home for one reason or another it comes at 7:59pm. How do you know when I'm home amazon??? How????????

I got a 4k TV right before HDR became the norm like the bozo that I am. So I got a regular PS4 instead of the pro. but I'm not complaining about the graphics on my games yet!

I was pretty indifferent to Zelda at first too because "open world" for me normally means so much to do and see all at once that I feel overwhelmed and not sure what I'm supposed to be doing so I don't do much of anything. But after what I've seen and read about the game, it's a day 1 pickup for me. I'll never regret

I really want to see Logan. I like how this one is in a future where everything looks similar to how it is today but there are no mutants. Unlike, just a few movies ago, where the future was a wasteland with sentinels and mutants were being hunted. I know the end of that movie changed the timeline, but would you take

Hopefully I'll be playing Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Just need to find a Target that has it in stock (I have a gift card). Game looks amazing. I had to stop reading reviews of it though, they kept giving away cool information about things they discovered while playing (not story elements, but things you can

That's why I stopped reading reviews for Breath of the Wild, they were giving away so much stuff. Not story-wise, but just the crazy stuff you can do. l wasn't sure if I was going to get Zelda today, but I am. Everything about it just looks so awesome. I just need to find a Target that has it in stock (I have a Target

But Splatoon 2 will be playable on the tablet only. I know I'd get more Splatoon time in if I could use off screen play.

The off-screen play is something I use on the Wii-U all the time. People hate on the gamepad a lot (mostly people who don't have a Wii-U) but I love the thing. I've played so many more hours of video games due to that, my wife can watching something on the TV and I can play something, while also being in the same room

I thought it was weird in the past couple episodes where it was showing David and Lenny hanging out before the mental institution. I thought it was a crazy coincidence that 2 friends would both be locked up in the same place and be best friends in there too. But this episode answered that question!

That's exactly it. After the first time I did that I thought to myself, "Why wasn't this in the main game???? I should have been doing this all along!!!" Loved it.

Definitely give it a couple dungeons before calling it quits. I'm about 13 hours into it and I haven't been playing it much recently. That may change, as I figure I already played 13 hours of it, I might as well finish it, but there's another 8 or so hours to go, so who knows.

Left Behind was some of my favorite parts of The Last of Us. So great and an added gameplay element that wasn't present in the main game and once you get to it you'll wonder why it wasn't in the game to begin with.
I enjoyed Uncharted 3 a lot. I went in with low expectations because a lot of people told me it wasn't

Ugh, moving is the worst. Bought a house with the wife 2 years ago so hopefully no more moving for me anytime soon. Best of luck!

Hmm, that food cooking thing doesn't sound all that great, and you need to find a campsite to do that? You can't create your own or anything?

Yeah, most of the reviews I read said that but there was one that gave it a bad score and I read it and it talked about grinding and inventory. So that raised the red flags a little bit. Before that I was just assuming I was going to buy it. But I think I'm going to go Breath of the Wild first and save this for down

I'm playing it on the Wii-U. It definitely gets more open world after the opening climbing sequences and all that. But it's not really what I would call "open world". Yes, you can technically go wherever you want but it's not super massive or anything. I actually like that because huge open world games are really hit

As long as the online servers are up and running for the Wii-U I don't really see myself upgrading, unless the community dries up and I can't find a Kart/Splatoon/Smash Bros game online.

I may rent it from Redbox or something to give it a whirl while I wait for my brother to beat it, but I might get Breath of the Wild so I may be tied up with my own 40+ hour game.

I haven't played Nioh, seems too RPG heavy for my taste, but I'm guessing it's similar in that every level is the same and no variation in enemies? Because I'm guessing that game is really long.

The wife and I don't have kids yet, but she's the early riser on weekends, but I stay up late so that normally gets me anywhere from 2-5 hours of video game time. Which I normally spend trying to decide which game I want to play then playing about 45 minutes each of 4 different games.