
Yeah, I was surprised by the beginning when you're captured in the scavenger's den or whatever. I was not expecting it to start off like that. Much darker than I was expecting.

Can't wait for Kart on the 8th!

Rapture is one of my favorite settings in any game ever. Anytime I hear old timey music, especially with that warble of being played on a record player, I immediately think of Bioshock. They did an amazing job.

I remember liking the Snowpeak Ruins dungeon and the boss fight. You still have a minimum of 15 hours to go, I think I beat it in 42-45 hours and I barely did any side-quests/bug collecting. I'm thinking I'm going to get Breath of the Wild. Off screen play is now a must for any game that's going to take over 15 hours

I beat The Order: 1886. Overall it was ok. I definitely understand why people were really mad when it first came out and they bought it for $60. Definitely not enough going on to justify that price, but the $5 I paid for it on the PSN Flash Sale the other week seems perfect. Beautiful game, gunplay got a little better

I just started on Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition last night. I'm not very far (just hunted the deer and was told by Roth or whatever to meet up with everyone). I really enjoyed that first part though.

I'm unsure about Horizon: Zero Dawn due to the potential for grinding and spending a lot of times in menus looking at items or abilities and all that. I don't mind some of that stuff, playing Darksiders 2 now and that has some of that stuff but it's pretty minimal. My brother is getting it so I'm going to wait to see

That's true, but the corporate heads could have done any number of things to prevent it or discipline them after the fact. I'm not saying they're perfect or anything.

Yeah, especially Freddie. That kid can act. But yeah, you just know this show isn't going to win awards. Just like I know The Americans won't win any either, even though that's the best show on TV in my opinion.

Next time I go to a wedding and that's used as the song for the first dance I'm going to feel really weird.

Chick-fil-A also does a lot of good though. They opened on a Sunday (which as everyone knows, they never do) and gave free food to people donating blood for the victims of the Orlando Pulse shooting. It's a little more complicated than just saying they hate gay people.

I love this comment, gets my highest grade: C+.

For me it was his voice and how he talked. I was obviously annoyed with all his falling around and all that, but the voice and how he talked is what made me not like him at all.

It took me a couple of tries on the battle on the bridge to get it right but I enjoyed it.

I didn't realize it makes the tower go faster, but most times people hop on when we're about to go through a bottle neck and we need people on the sides to take out their players or at least ensure we don't all die at once so they take the tower and advance it far before we can even respawn. Man, I'm getting that

I'm awaiting the escort mission makes me say: "I came here tonight, I didn't know what to expect. I seen a lot of people hate me and I didn't know what to feel about that so I guess they didn't like much nothin' either. During this fight, I've seen a lot of changing, the way yous feel about me, and in the way I felt

Yeah, I got to the first time you're really wandering away from the town and come across a merchant and buy oil or something in a jar for the first time. Put the game down for about 2 months. Picked it back up and was addicted.

Yeah, I tried to look up a walkthrough with screen shots but that made my eyes bleed. Youtube is a great idea. I need to do that with Super Metroid as well, basically same thing happened to me with that game as Link to the Past. I moved while I was pretty far through it and didn't pick it up for a while and then

Normally what I do in situations where I get stuck on something like this is, I put the game down for a while, play something else and then come back to it with fresh eyes and I normally get past it pretty quickly. Here's hoping that's what happens. Have to finish up Wolfenstein: The New Order first though.

I think I read something saying that. I will have to look into that because I don't like the blocking system.