
Yep, especially on tower control when I get the tower and then the rest of my team hop on the tower with me. We only need 1 person on the tower, the other 3 should be close to the tower but moving ahead and clearing out guy. I normally hop off the tower once someone else gets on and try to go and take out some guys on

I still need to go back for the green stars. I did the first couple of galaxies I think but I definitely didn't finish it.

Yeah, I didn't go back through it as Luigi on all the levels either and that Luigi's Purple Coins level was TOUGH.

Maybe I'll play the training part again to get the blocking aspect down. Otherwise I was enjoying the game.

"If he dies, he dies" - Me during just about every escort mission.

I hated the escort mission, but I enjoyed the battle on the bridge. I went into TP with no expectations because I'd never really played a Zelda game before. Had an NES but didn't have another Nintendo system until the Wii. I have since made it to Ganon's castle in Link to the Past but I haven't played it in so long I

I did essentially the same thing, except it was a few months for the break and not 2 years. I also took my break before the escort mission.

Yeah, I was surprised it's basically just Toad walking around the levels I already beat in SMB3DW. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm going to finish those and get the gold mushroom on each level but it's a step down from chapters 1-3.

Thanks! That's one of my favorite sayings from CBB and U Talking U2 2 Me? Also, anytime I hear someone say "It's been a while" I automatically sing that. I was plowing through CBBs until they recently made it so you had to pay for the ones over 6 months old. So I listened to the Analyze Phish podcast and now I'm

Metal Gear Rising is tough, I got to the talking mechanical dog on the 2nd level (I think it's the 2nd level) and I can't beat him. I don't like the blocking mechanic in that game. Give me a dodge button like in Bayonetta!!

My Splatoon ranking is falling again, A- with 8 points I think. Haven't picked it up for a little while because if I go back to a B+ I'm going to be pretty bummed.

Same here. I googled it and felt cold inside.

I'm normally not that jerkish on here but that movie just rubbed me the wrong way the whole time. I can definitely see why people liked it, but it just wasn't for me and the thing at the end just put the cherry on top for me.

TIE Fighter, what a great game. First time played it (I was pretty young) I didn't think about the reason it was called TIE Fighter so when I started the first mission with 2 TIE Fighters in front of me I immediately blew them up before realizing I wasn't the rebellion in that Star Wars game…
Escort missions should be

I completely forgot about the escort mission in TP. That was probably the only thing I really didn't like about that game. Otherwise, I was all about TP.

We'll see. She was in a bad mood at the time when she said that. I'm going to try to get her into it. If not, I'll play through it. I wouldn't want all my games to basically be interactive movies like it, but it's a good game to change things up.

Yeah, I thought was a clever thing to do on their part. Thanks for recommending it!

Three day weekend for me so I'll get some extra gaming time in. Still working my way through The Order: 1886 and I still say the game is gorgeous and the story is interesting enough to keep me engaged, but the gameplay is lacking. The shooting aspects aren't that great, the cover system isn't as responsive as I'd like

My former girlfriend, whom I married, made a stuffed pepper soup the other night for dinner and that's all we had. It was delicious and filling. I, like most people on this board apparently, feel that if the soup has meat and chunks of a grain/starch in it, then it can be a meal. Creamy tomato soup does not count on

I despise this movie too. Just terrible. The ending was the worst part too, he meets a girl named Autumn! After dating a girl named Summer!! My roommate was really into Zooey Deschanel at that time and he got the movie on Netflix so we watched it and it put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day. Her name was