
I got a PS4 right after Christmas and I still have a $45 gift card to best buy leftover and I'm going to use it for a PS4 game(s). I'm just not sure what game. I think one will be The Last of Us, I played it on my PS3 (borrowed it from my brother), but that was years ago and that game is amazing. So I'm looking to get

Do you get a notification when you unlock one? Do you have to go to the store from the main menu to buy them or do you buy them in the load-out screen before you choose where to spawn? Say what you will about Call of Duty, but they make it obvious as to when you get new weapons and make it easier to join friends in

Have you ever played Mario Galaxy before? If not, you're in for a treat. It's amazing. Resident Evil 4 is great (and a game where the motion controls make the game better, aiming is awesome on that) but I got stuck on a spot and haven't played it in forever. It's the spot where You are with the girl and you walk into

This weekend will be some more Battlefield 1 online with my brothers when we have a chance. I'm confused though because I haven't been able to get a new gun for any class in that game and I don't know why. I have war bonds, I'm a level 5 or something in one of the classes and still nothing. Seems like I should have

Lightning over a chasm is an instant fun killer.

Yeah, ending the slides as soon as you're past the curve is the big part of that. Once I figured that out I get through that part unscathed unless I get hit with an item or someone bumps me.

I didn't banana snipe anyone either but doing that is one of the best things in Mario Kart. I was placing bananas on critical turns too, especially Neo Bowser City. Dropping bananas all over that turn section in the middle.

I love the oval ones too. Baby Park is one of my top 3 favorite tracks (Wario Mountain and Ribbon Road are my other 2). But the chaos of Baby Park is unrivaled and to me is what Mario Kart is all about.

Tip for Neo Bowser City on that middle part. Start your power slides earlier than you think and as soon as you're around the curve of the turn, release your slide and immediately start your next slide/turn. Do that for each turn on that part. It seems like you're going to go off the track because you're turning too

Plus with Mario Kart, you can be the absolute best driver, but blue turtle shells happen, lightning strikes happen, being hit by 3 red turtle shells in a row before you can get moving again happens. There's definitely skill involved in Mario Kart but there's a lot of luck added in too, which is what makes it awesome.

Glad to hear it's not just me then. Maybe when I beat Wolfenstein: The New Order I'll go back to it and try go get past the dog.

Yeah, I had to leave after an hour, I was in first when I left, I'm assuming I did not finish there. I played until the end once, but I normally have to hop off after an hour or hour and a half.

What's this Discord/chat for Mario Kart 8 on the 8th??

I feel like we need a list of Disqus names with the Mii names so we know who's who. Obviously DrFlimFlam and Venerable Monk are easy to pick out when racing though.

I would always take the turn on Baby Park and go right into a banana blind. Happened a lot. But my favorite was dragging a banana behind me and cutting someone off and spinning them out.

All bananas is very interesting on small tracks. I think it's a huge advantage to use a bike on all bananas though. You can dodge easier and you're not as wide so you can miss some that way too.

Baby Park always got me on that but I loved the chaos! It was my favorite track for that and I don't think I finished higher than 4th when we played it.

I have heard that and I almost made it through doing that but it was still tough. I'll probably get around to beating that level at some point but that is a really tough level.

Exactly. Need to be short tracks for all bananas to work. Little Flammy had some good races in there too! I always feel like I'm going to feel bad when I hit him with a shell or when I have a star or something, but I don't because it's Kart. But I am always happy to see him do well!

I also started playing Wolfenstein: The New Order. I'm not very far in it yet (still in WWII and I read most of the game takes place in the 1960s) but I am enjoying it. I kind of like the fact that you have to get medpacks to heal yourself instead of just hiding for a few seconds. It works for this game. I find it