
I might have to do that. I was enjoying the game until that point.

Same here, last thing I need to do. I really enjoyed the Mystery House Marathon. That took me a while to beat but I loved it.

I got stuck on the beat blocks and haven't gone back. Beat every other level in that game.

I really hope they don't. That's one reason I dropped the Wii and got the Wii-U. Couldn't play my kart online anymore, plus the Wii-U had backwards compatibility so I could still play my backlog.

Add in the "controlling a small battalion of superheroes who can merge to form giant weapons while fighting against both regular-sized and giant-sized enemies aspect
Also, I hope my "(mostly you)" comment about people talking about Wonderful 101 wasn't taken in a mean way, because that's not how I meant it.

I got bogged down playing a ton of either really difficult stages that were essentially impossible unless you designed the level or the ones that said "Don't Touch" and the level beats itself. Finding the right mix is tough. There are some really good levels made by people on this board though. Keep an eye out for

In my original post I forgot to mention the Mario Kart 8 on the 8th and how much fun it was. I liked the all bananas to an extent but I did miss the other items. All bananas is great on a track like Baby Park, Excitebike Arena, Neo Bowser City and tracks like that where either the tracks are so small that there are

Everyone (mostly you) keeps talking about Wonderful 101, I'll have to check it out once I beat a few games. I downloaded the demo but haven't played it yet but I'm not sure the demo will sell me on the game just because I played the demo for Infamous in PS3 years ago and I didn't like that at all but I really liked

Does Splatoon freeze you at rank S if you make it there? I'm pretty far up the B+ ranking now. I really put in some time on it the past week.

I've started playing Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance the other week and I put it down due to the parrying system. I'm only on the second level, fighting the robot dog thing but I just can't beat it. I can't parry anything and I keep getting worked. Maybe I'll try it again but I was hoping for some type of dodge button

Let's hope so.

A Song of Ice and Lindsay

Can't wait for The Americans to start back up. My favorite show on TV.

Definitely go back for Left Behind. Amazing DLC. There are aspects to Left Behind that I wish they had in the main game

The line about the Houston-Oakland game being the game where you freak out when realize you missed half of a playoff game until you find out it's Houston-Oakland lands pretty well for me. I have a family party with no access to TV until about 6, so I won't really be able to watch that game and I was upset about it

I found out because I was playing last night and running around off the horse and walked into a room with 2 guys in it, took 1 shot and missed and realized if I kept trying to use that rifle I was going to be taken out pretty quickly. So I quick switched to the sword and chopped some dude right in the collar bone. The

That battle mode is terrible, I tried it once and didn't go back. But the rest of the game is so amazing that I'm not fazed by it. Online karting at 2am after some drinks is a perfect way to cap an evening. In fact, it's one of the reasons I got the Wii-U. After they stopped supporting the servers for Mario Kart Wii I

Goombas in swim rings?? Don't think I've hit that level yet. I'm about 6 levels into chapter 2. Considering I've only sat down to play it twice, I think that's a pretty good pace.

Worst case scenario Breath of the Wild is coming out on the Wii-U, so if you absolutely need your Zelda fix while debating on the Switch you can still play it. One thing I am worried about with the switch is that so many people will wait to buy it to see how much support it gets that the sales numbers for the first

I've heard the other guns in the medic class are good but I can't stand the first one in that class. The one thing I'll always do is get a horse when they're available though. For some reason I'm really good at riding around and mowing people down with the horse or switching to the sword. Plus, even when you get off