
Yeah, I don't get people that do that. I've had the game for a week and I normally finish in the top half of my team with my highest finish being 4th on the team. Most games my K/D ratio isn't that great (sometimes it's downright terrible and sometimes it's rather respectable) but I always make sure I'm capturing

Mario games are the only games that bring out the completionist in me. No other set of games do that to me, just Mario.

It's also funny to me that Nintendo gets the stigma of having "easy" games because anyone can play them and they're all cartoon characters. But if you dig into the game, it can get very difficult and not in an unfair way. My brothers were laughing at me for getting Captain Toad because they just saw the little cartoon

It was good for me to get the gift cards knowing I was going out to turn them into a PS4 ASAP. I'll probably be a later adopter for the Switch. I'm still plowing through my Wii-U catalog and I don't think I can justify 2 separate video game systems within a few months of each other. The PS4 was a must because my 3

Yeah, he's just getting into video games and still getting his coordination down. He's not bad, but he needs a forgiving game. Plus Yoshi's Island was $20 cheaper than Kirby. That was a big factor.

I'm probably one of those new people you hate so much, but I always play the objective!

Yeah, it's insane the amount of detail they put into the games. And your Captain Toad recommendation was spot on, thanks!

I was going to get that Kirby game for my 5 year old nephew but after reading some reviews I thought it'd be a little above his pay-grade. So got him New Yoshi's Island. He's really enjoying that.

I'm in awe that you were able to get to an A+ in that game. I'm currently at a B+, I was so close to an A- months ago but basically did you what did and instead of going right back up I fell down to a B-. But I'm climbing!

Super Mario 3D world is really easy at the beginning, but once you start getting to the bonus worlds the difficulty picks up. But it's easy going in the beginning. I would suggest Splatoon if you're into 3rd person shooters. Bayonetta 2 if you're into DMC/God of War type games. Mario Kart if you're a person who enjoys

Really excited for Mario kart 8 on the 8th! I'll be rocking Waluigi on a bike, an homage to young Elvis! Sorry to hear about your father-in-law.

I haven't been on here in forever! Pneumonia (early stages, didn't have to go to the hospital or anything, just antibiotics and lots of sleep) on December 16th, traveling for Christmas on December 23rd and no WAYPTW last Friday! It's good to be back!
Where to start? Well for Christmas I got Captain Toad and I'm

I agree that this is one of their weaker episodes. Still funny parts (that Die Hard line was great) but seemed like they relied on easy jokes a lot. The "phrasing" thing came up a few times and Jake's been using that a lot recently (the one with Boyle in his underwear was good though). Let's pump the breaks on

Glad to see The Americans in the top 3. That's my favorite show going right now. I agree that this season was probably the weakest so far, but considering how great the first 3 were (and the 4th one was great too) that isn't necessarily a bad thing. They painted themselves into a corner after season with the whole

Toaster oven. Works perfectly for me. Flip them once halfway through and you're good to go.

Yeah, hopefully 7+ people get on there in January. That's when the good items come out.

You were Monk, right? You were winning races when there were people playing! You and I were going back and forth a lot (I'm Mannion), it was a blast! Can't wait for next month. I think next month I'm going to post the code and all that on the What's on Tonight thread to see if we can pick up some more people that way.

Class of 05! I went to the championship game in December of '04 down in Chattanooga, it was a blast and a great way for senior year to come to an end, sports-wise.

Who are you on there again? Are you NewBond? Are we on each other's friend list? Next time I play kart on the weekend I'm going to start checking the friend list to see if anyone on here is playing and maybe hop in (vice versa, if you see me playing online, please join!).

Yeah, my escrow went up, I think my taxes went up though. Ugh. Oh the days when the wife and I lived in a tiny 1 bedroom apartment and rent was dirt cheap…