
I will play that every month until the servers for the Wii-U get taken down!

Yeah, Conan's pretty good with those things because he's not a gamer so he could play a great game and still not like due to issues that are his fault and not the game (like when he played COD Advanced warfare and died 100+ times trying to cross the street). But I was cracking up at the pushing the car part and all

I just looked it up too to see what everyone was talking about. Totally agree on what kind of mechanic would dress like that, especially thigh high stockings!

Mario Kart 8 on the 8th next Thursday, right??

Yeah, but the gameplay is fun, the puzzles are pretty easy but that's better than being unfair or anything like that. The voice acting isn't terrible but I haven't found it to be great. If I didn't get it with the humble bundle I wouldn't have bought it. I'm about 13 hours into the game now, read it's about a 20-22

Yes, the secret code was sent out last week so hopefully it didn't change: 0699-6646-7941. Keep an eye on DL, he normally posts the codes.

I'm really looking forward to playing Treasure Tracker. I thoroughly enjoyed the levels in 3D World but thought they were overall pretty easy (but very well crafted and thought out) so I'm hoping a standalone game really lets them explore it. I'm so pumped 8 on the 8th is a Thursday, that makes WAYPTW a lot more fun

I'm not a FF person and not into heaving RPGs at all but I loved the Clueless Gamer with Conan about FFXV.

Sorry to hear about your mom, man. Hopefully you can get some time to escape into video games and relax. But you'll probably just hear 16 year old girls shrieking about whatever celeb is the "hot guy" right now. Is it Donny Osmond?

How is the multiplayer on Doom? I'm getting a PS4 shortly after Christmas and I think that's a game I'm going to get.

This weekend I should be able to get some good game time in. My wife is going to visit her sister at Penn State for her a capella concert. So I'm putting up Christmas lights today, doing one final mowing of the lawn tomorrow to pick up leaves and all that, but otherwise I'm on my own. Outside of watching some SPORTS

I was writing a long post about how I started the Advance Wars on the Wii but then put it down, moved and never picked it up again until I realized the game I'm thinking about is Battalion Wars. Quick recap, the game seemed fun, I was just starting to get used to switching between battalions when I stopped playing it.

I didn't like the Slow Joey episode at all. I get the parodying a multi-cam sitcom, but it just didn't do it for me. Otherwise I really like Weird Al in there.

Yeah, that's when having voice chat would be huge.

Here is a link to the article. His info is at the bottom. I bookmarked a label earlier but I'm on my phone now, not my computer. http://www.avclub.com/artic…

That's exactly who it is. I haven't played any of his levels and haven't played that game in months but I might fire it up tonight.

Just saw on another article on AV Club that someone recreated Mario 64 on Super Mario Maker, that sounds like the perfect excuse to break out SMM, which I haven't played in a long while.

Pimento's line about dead dogs after that killed me.

I don't think I'll ever get tired of that.

While I agree with Amy in that it's not Jake's or her dad's decision on who she dates, it's totally normal to try to have your girlfriend/boyfriend's parents like you and not because their failure to like you would result in a break up. But because it's much better when you get to spend time with both people at once,