
Yeah, I mean I tried to impress my future father in law when I first met him. Not because I thought his disapproval would result in my now wife breaking up with me or to "win his approval", but because it would stink to date someone and never be able to be around their family.

The checkbook line killed me because whenever I went to the grocery store with my dad as a kid (he was the coupon king so he did the shopping), he would always pay by check.

It was a misunderstanding!

Best line of the night; "Big night, 3 most important men in your life together at one time." - Jake
"Will Shortz isn't here."-Amy
"Burn on Holt.. I'm assuming… *mumbles*"-Jake

100% in agreement there on the black Friday criticisms. I think most place pay their employees time a half, which doesn't make up for time they're missing with their families, but might be the difference in an employee being able to keep their lights on. I just try to think like this so I don't jump of a building.

So… God is dead? I'm just joking. But your complaints are spot on. I try to think of it that people are going out on Black Friday and all that to get gifts for family and friends and not just themselves. The good thing is that I don't know anyone that gets up early Friday morning or camps out Thursday or goes out on

Hopefully I didn't seem like one of those "ignorant Americans" who doesn't know anything about other cultures.

So it's just a Thursday? There are a lot of things I despise about black Friday and all the consumerism until you hear about how much of a store's profits come directly from black Friday. If that helps keep stores open and keep people with jobs (not talking about Walmart or Best Buy, but the smaller stores), then I'm

Yeah, I keep talking myself into getting it, then not pulling the trigger. I mean, it's basically the price of a Wii-U game and not even a tank of gas. But I'll wait until my wife goes on one of her "I just spend $200 on boots, even though I just got boots for Christmas" sprees and use that as justification to get

I'll be there. I like having that many people too because then you start getting the good items and mayhem breaks out. It's still a blast when there's 3-5 people but then you're mostly getting mushrooms, green/red turtle shells and bananas. Once you get to 7-10 you start getting lightning, blue turtle shells, the

Just emailed myself the code. Hopefully there's a turnout like last month, that was great.

I third the recommendation to join Mario Kart 8 on the 8th! It's a blast!

Do you guys get a random Thanksgiving-esque holiday at any point in the year? I get Thanksgiving probably seems like a weird holiday to people outside of the US. But I'm going to enjoy my 4 day weekend!

Absolutely. I've never had a problem getting a game. Plus, you can only choose between 2 game modes (for fun and ranked) which people were upset about at first, but it keeps people being spread out over too many modes and not having enough people for games. I highly suggest you get it.

My Splatoon rank has basically evened out at a B grade. I might hit B- for a little bit, I might get to a B+ but I always come back down. It's just tough to keep a high rank when you get put on a bad team. *edit* and sometimes I'm the reason it's a bad team. Don't want it to seem like I'm saying that I can't get to an

Yeah, having a long weekend in November is great! Plus mashed potatoes, lots and lots of mashed potatoes! Where are you from? If you don't mind my asking.

Yeah, it's going to be tough to get some gaming in but I'll have some down time. Luckily we're doing Thanksgiving with my wife's family, who all lives in the area and not going to my parent's house which is 3 hours away. So that'll leave me some time to get some gaming in. I was thinking about getting a 2DS (I got

Glad this was put up today instead of Friday! Overall I'll get some playing time in. Tonight, tomorrow morning (heading to my wife's aunt's house tomorrow but she's heading there at 9am to help cook and I don't have to be there until close to 4, so I'll get some games in while watching football, thank you off screen

For Christmas my family just does Thanksgiving all over again. It's amazing. We'll normally throw a smallish ham in there to mix it up a little bit. But why mess with something so good?

I'm a fan of au gratin potatoes, but mashed potatoes are my favorite food. I'd be fine with au gratin potatoes in addition to mashed, but thanksgiving without mashed potatoes is a travesty in my book. Also, the potatoes my aunt made weren't au gratin or any other regular potato. She made something weird that didn't