
You're in for a treat. A lot of the problems I had with the first one were solved in the 2nd and it looks much better too. It's a beautiful game. You'll really enjoy it.

I know my instincts will take over and I'll be blasting my teammates with turtle shells and what not. I'm going to have a lot of angry teammates tomorrow night…

I like how we're to the point of rumors for announcements for the NX now. The only thing we know for sure about the NX is that it's coming out early next year and it's different from anything else!

Boyenetta 2 is a fantastic game. If you can get the version with the first one, definitely do it. The first one isn't as good as the 2nd one, but it's still a really good game.

And they stay there. And they stay there. Plus in the Wii version he had the best phrases. When he got the big mushroom he'd belt out "Looook out foooor meeeeee!" in a deep voice. Cracked me up. Calling everyone cheaters when you finish outside the top half of the group. Cackling at people and saying "I'm Waluigi,

Mario Kart 8 on the 8th tomorrow!

I'm 100% always Waluigi, ever since the Wii version (I was toad on N64 and Double Dash I was Mario and Daisy). So it's going to be really weird not playing was Waluigi…

At some point that anticipation is going to build into anger. Some sort of confirmation needs to be put out there. It's not that far off!

Hmm, that makes the 2DS very interesting indeed. I'm still going to wait until after any NX announcement (imagine if it's backwards compatible with the DS since it sounds like it'll be cartridge based). But it is intriguing. Especially since I'd be able to play with my nephew.

So pumped for this! Wife and I are going out to dinner tonight so tomorrow night should be free. And with the off TV option, there's no reason I shouldn't be there. Unless we end up going out or something. But there are no plans as of this time. So happy to hear Baby Park on there, favorite track on the game.

I found 1 to be the most difficult whereas 2 and 3 I kind of breezed through. I think that while 2 is easier than 1, it was an improvement on 1, but 1 gets props for starting the whole thing. 3 was gorgeous as @avclub-8d2583b317ce1bd4962cec8605c5676a:disqus said.

How is Paper Mario: Color Splash? I enjoyed Paper Mario for Wii but from what I've heard, the other ones don't sound like games I like. I've heard this one has card game mechanics for attacking. How does that even work? You can't just go up and stomp on goombas??

I think the Galaxy games are my favorite too. Those small planets are awesome and they somehow made the controls intuitive for them so you're not hallway around the planet and all of a sudden you get switched up and running the wrong way or anything. There were many nights where I started playing Galaxy 2 at 11pm or

Mario Kart 8 on the 8th tomorrow??

Sadly I haven't played video games in almost 2 weeks. Between starting this new position, travelling last weekend, 2 year anniversary with the wife, playoff baseball and regular season football, I haven't had much time. But this weekend should change that a little bit. Going out to dinner with my wife tonight to have

When are the last episodes of Comedy Bang Bang going to air?

My brother is getting his son (my nephew) who is 5, a Nintendo 2ds for his birthday. I'm getting him New super Mario bros 2. Any other games that would be good for a 5 year old?

Depends on that nx

You may have convinced me to get that. I need to get that Viking game too.

I might get some old school nes this weekend. Couldn't post earlier today due to the new job but I'm down the shore with my in-laws and there's an old school Nintendo with a tube tv down here (no internet). Still going to be in fit Mario kart 8 on the 8th but we'll see