
But you can climax during an escort mission. Hey-o! Sorry…

No dodge roll to interrupt your moves? That's ridiculous. This review of it is making rethink trying it out. Hearing it was "bad" intrigued me (since I like 1-3 a lot), hearing the specific problems with it deintrigues me. Detrigues me? unintrigues me? outtrigues me? disintrigues me?

Yeah, but if the game ended right after that then everyone would be complaining it was too short. I think that should have been the ending but with some other stuff before it.

Never heard of Severed before so I just googled it to find out what it was and all I got was first person action/adventure with touch controls. Obviously that didn't help much, what is it? Is it a good game?

Thanks! There's a lot going on at the m_squared home right now. That would be great! I might be able to make the 8th depending on what we do for our anniversary, but if not I should be able to make one or both of the other nights. I like that the 8th is on a Saturday so the reminder can go out right before the

I remember after killing Andrew Ryan I was confused that there was more game left to it. The final boss wasn't great and I'm glad they didn't do a final boss in Bioshock 2.

Is it weird that your negative views on Ascension are only making me want to play it more? Need to pop in those PSP GOW games though.

I heard the Lego City Undercover or whatever it's called is supposed to be really good. I may look into getting that. Otherwise I haven't played any Lego games. Not because I'm against them, just haven't bought one.

Starting a new job on Monday, same organization, just a different position that should help open a lot of doors moving forward. So I'm pretty nervous/excited/anxious/pumped/scared about that. So I'll probably use video games and football to help calm me down a lot this weekend.
Still plodding through Darksiders II

I like mama celeste.

Yeah, I'm really down on chains as well. The only time I order from them is when my brothers or friends are visiting and it's 1am and we're all drunk and all the pizza places are closed except dominos.
I like Celeste frozen pizza. They used to have full size ones but now I'm only seeing personal pizzas. They're still

Lucky! Growing up in Manassas, VA all we had in the 90's was Lorena Bobbit chopping off her husband's wang. Remember when wang was a word used all the time?

I use my Hotmail account when buying flowers online for my mom for mother's day or wife for anniversary and stuff like that, so all that spam doesn't go to my gmail account. Yahoo is strictly fantasy football.

Maybe these hackers can adjust my fantasy football lineup so I don't have people on the bench scoring more than the people I have playing.

Upon rewatch I found out my Tivo messed up and skipped about 45 seconds of the show. I saw Ted Danson and that girl sitting and eating fro-yo, then the screen got pixelated for a second and it cut right to trash falling from the sky. Of course my Tivo would cut that… Watched it on the NBC app so I'm good now, but

I can't picture this at all. I watched both episodes. Looks like I'm in for a rewatch.

Yeah, my wife hates that word too. She's only ok with it when someone her height uses that word but otherwise, she automatically hates anyone who calls her "cute". Now someone could say she's wearing a cute dress or something and that seems to be ok but I just steer clear of that word all together.

Let me tell you, nothing infuriates short/small people more than being told they're short/small. My wife is 4'11" and people always feel the need to point out how short she is. She HATES it. It doesn't help that I'm about 6'3" so the difference in our height only exaggerates it even more. But when that scene happened

One thing I will say about Becker is that Butters' future self enjoyed it a lot.

When did Ted Danson punt the dog? I'm not remembering this…
The whole rant about the guy who got 92% of the afterlife correct cracked me up.