
I liked the line, "You look like an evenly stained deck".

Or the codename for Pimento's case last season.

"I'm going to use that $10,000 to buy myself a tanning bed, a nice one."
"Your tan is great as is. You look like an evenly stained deck."
That was the line of the night for me.

So happy Brooklyn 9-9 is back.

Ah, I didn't know they released it in some theaters. I was unaware of that. Then it makes sense he would be eligible. Haven't seen that movie yet so I have no idea if it was a snub or not, but given Idris' talent level, it is probably a snub that he wasn't at least nominated.

I love GoT, but there's no way it should have beaten The Americans for writing or best drama series. Hopefully with the nominations this year, it turns more people towards that show. Just amazing television.

That's a good question, I remember people being upset that Idris Elba wasn't nominated for an Oscar for Bests of No Nation but I thought that Netflix Movies didn't really count towards that because it was more of a TV medium. So I don't know what Netflix counts as.

I got my jimmy waxed 6 times last week!

Thanks! Looks like I'll have to give these a try! I haven't played Ascension yet, I'll probably save that for after finishing these.

So, the Wii-Go it is?? That does sound really interesting.

Nice, I'm was at minimum hoping they wouldn't be a mess and have weird controls or anything (since they were made for the psp which had 1 joystick).

Yeah, that's the thing. Is it like a powerful 3DS that you can dock into your TV, or is it a console that you can carry on the go? It has to be powerful if it's getting the new Zelda game. I just don't know what to expect and I wish they'd just announce it. Also, how awesome would it be if they announced it was going

Yeah, I love the Wii-U. Being able to play off the TV is huge. It stinks more games didn't take advantage of the 2nd screen, but it was worth it for off TV play alone for me. But playing through Darksiders II, it does make it easier to switch between weapons and all that.

I'm about 3/4ths of the way through the first DS. I need to go back and finish it and get into DS2.

How are the PSP ones? I've played 1-3 and really enjoyed them. I have the PSP ones on PS3 disc for portable collection or whatever it was called but I haven't played them yet and since they're pretty short games, I could play them in addition tot he other games I'm playing.

I had to clean up my house last weekend because I had people come up so we could go to the Eagles game Sunday. This weekend is more low key, we're going to meet people out for an Oktoberfest in the city. Much better that way, you don't have to clean up or anything.

Excellent! Helpful too! It's only shameless self-promotion if you upvote your own post. You were just sharing good info!

I really enjoyed those levels but I didn't think they got too hard, even the last one in the world with star road and the mystery house or whatever they were. I'm hoping that game has some more difficult ones since that's all it is?

I guess I'll have to go back and try get the Minerva's Den DLC. For some reason I never downloaded that. I'll have to get the PS3 game back from my brother. I loved the BI DLC where you play as the girl. I thought that was really well done.

Gotcha, while that does sound interesting, I don't think I'll pick it up yet. I just keep seeing people posting that they're putting 100+ hours into that game, blows my mind.