
That's what stinks, my wife doesn't play video games and we haven't procreated any player 2's yet. I guess I'll look into Captain Toad's Treasure Tracker and Wonderful 101. Haven't played either but I loved the Captain Toad's levels in 3D World and I've heard nothing but good things about Wonderful 101.

Yeah, I mean at this point they should at least confirm something. I swear if I hear the word "hybrid" one more time I'm going to jump out a window (probably a first floor window of my house, but a window none-the-less). Sounds like it won't have backwards compatibility since it'll be cartridges, unless you can play

What is Hyrule Warriors? I played the demo once in Target while my wife was shopping (it's what I do, make little kids wait in line while a grown man plays 3 minute clips of video games) and it just kind of had me start out in an area and chopping up a bunch of bad guys. Is there a progression/story to the game or is

Is Alexandra Breckenridge ever going to be back in this show? She was the young housekeeper in season 1 and had a small part on the Coven season. She's #1.

Fat Abbot, you need to lose weight.

Well I'll probably get some Darksiders II in. I've noticed the side quests are piling up even though you can't really complete them at this time. That kind of irritates me a lot. I hate having that whole list of things to do and not being able to do them yet. But I am enjoying the game. It doesn't seem too difficult

Mario 3 v. Super Mario World, Galaxy 1 v. Galaxy 2, Bowser v. Ganon

What are these AV Club Splatfests you speak of? I definitely want to get in on that! I'm with you on the 8th being right after a WAYPTW article so it's fresh in my mind, but I also like having it the day before a WAYPTW article because it was fun to rehash what happened and still have a clear memory of it. I email

Virtua Tennis. Man, my friends and I spent a lot of time playing that.

Yeah, I thought that was really well done too. Very surprising but I enjoyed it.

I was surprised I was able to catch FlimFlam, he wasn't really on my screen until the end when he spun out and then I spun out right next to him. That's why you never give up in Mario Kart though!

Sounds like another game to add to the backlog! Although I read that it's only about a 6 hour game, so that's not bad.

Like @DrFlimFlam:disqus said, there's a big wormhole you can go down if you start looking into theories for the ending. The Burial At Sea DLC was a lot of fun and adds a completely different dynamic of gameplay. I loved it. I loved that whole game, I forget the ghost boss off the top of my head but I remember being

Hope to see you in there next month! Hopefully I can make it on the 8th, potential anniversary stuff, but she goes to bed early even on weekends and since I'm east coast I could potentially log on at 10:30 my time and still get a half hour in. We'll see, I'm going to try to persuade my wife into celebrating our

Yeah, as I got stunned by that, my item box was still rolling through the options so I was just tapping the L trigger as fast as possible and luckily it landed on 3 mushrooms, that was basically the only thing that could have saved me on that track.

Cool, sounds up my alley. It's not big on RPG type stuff (turn based combat, skill/weapon trees, dungeon crawling, etc.), is it?

Yeah, I mean I knew I wasn't going to be flush with 4K content at the outset, it was more future-proofing than anything. But I just don't understand the lack of 4K Blu-Ray player on the PS4 Pro.

For some reason as soon as the option came up to take them out I started blasting. Normally in games with moral choices like that I always choose the noble route, but with The Last of Us, I just said, "so these doctors are the last people that can save humanity? NOT ANYMORE!" BAM BAM BAM BAM, and took them out.

The final downhill part I always play as a slalom event and keep power drifting and following the middle red line and go between all the flags. If you time your turns/power drifting right it's pretty incredible.

Thanks! I think on the Toad's Turnpike that was @DrFlimFlam:disqus that almost got you. Because I had to pull out a miracle to pass him at the end that involved both of us being stunned by a bobomb but he was hit with it first so he was going to be moving before me but I just picked up an item box and got 3 mushrooms