
How is Jotun? I saw that was out and have read about it but still can't really pinpoint what type of game it is. Is it a Zelda type game? A God of War type game or something different? Please let me know because it looks like it should be good!

Yeah, that's why I'm excited about the NX. I don't think they'll do what Sony and Microsoft are doing and release an adjusted model in 2 years (although they seem to be trending that way with the 3DS) and I'm just a sucker for Nintendo games. Give me Mario Kart with online racing and I'm a happy man. Also, it sounds

Yeah, that's the other thing, if I bought a PS4 (either pro or slim) now, who's to say in 2 years they don't do something new where those will be outdated? I even got in late on the PS3, got it on 08 or 09 I believe and I still got a good 6 years out of it before the PS4 came out. Plus, the differences in consoles

The feeling of nailing someone with a banana like that is only matched by the fury you feel when you throw a green turtle shell, it takes a weird bounce off the wall and comes back and hits you. Mario Kart is the ultimate game of peaks and valleys.
I love Mt. Wario so much. Part of it is that each section of the

I'd just like to take a second, if I may, to say how disappointed I am in the Playstation 4 Pro. I haven't upgraded my PS3 to a PS4, partly because my wife and I bought a house just over a year ago and all the expenses that go along with that and partly because I have an extensive PS3 backlog that I felt I needed to

I couldn't believe I hit you with that banana peel. After you hit me with that red shell and took the lead at the end I just threw a hail Mary banana peel and happened to hit you. I was pretty pumped after that, I won't lie. Mario Kart is the best game in that respect, sometimes, even after losing in a soul crushing

I also heard from my brother that there's a journal or recording or whatever that you can find in that last level that basically says the doctors don't think using Ellie's brain will come through with a cure but they're going to try to just to try it, which would make the decision at the end a very easy one. It was

This weekend I'll probably play some Darksiders II but my brother, cousin and her boyfriend are all coming up this weekend to go to the Eagles game on Sunday so we'll see how much I actually get in. I'm truly enjoying the fast travel aspect of that game, if I had to ride that horse all over that map all the time, I'd

True, but it's also an opportunity for Newton to exorcise the demons from the super bowl.

Excellent, I haven't had a blizzard in years and years but chocolate soft serve with oreos is by far the best thing ever.

Ah, that makes sense. Just needed to say Strong Belwas though, him being left out of the show is depressing.

Not even a line about football starting up again? Do you know how many articles about the food intake of an average offensive lineman in a day the AV Club could have written???

Yeah, I was going to say, Spin City was a good show when he was on it.

Can you get oreo with chocolate ice cream? Oreo is my favorite but 15, 14 and 13 sound the best to me. The writer makes it sound like things turning into a creamy, chocolatey mess is a bad thing. That's the good stuff!

How long until a Misery situation comes about and a deranged fan kidnaps him and forces him to write.

How dare you forget Strong Belwas!

Never been to an In'N'Out before, I'm an east coaster and the times I have been out west I never stopped for fast food. I do want to try it though!

Chick-Fil-A breakfast is amazing. Was the only plus side of getting up for my 8am classes when I was in college over a decade ago.

I used to think McDonald's fries were the best, but the past 5-10 years changed that. I don't eat there often but their fries are no where near as good anymore. They're cold 5 minutes after you get them no matter what, they're really flimsy and don't have much to them on the inside either. Wendy's fries are better. 5

I think the Prime Trilogy is going to be my next set of games. I'm playing Darksiders II but I could add a little FPS to my life.