
I'm supposed to head down the shore this weekend to meet up with my wife and the in-laws but there's a tropical storm headed there this weekend so now they're talking about coming home tomorrow since the it's going to be raining and windy the whole weekend. If that's the case, I'm just going to stick around here.

Emailed that code to myself. Going to have to remember to play though. I know I'll be watching football but since team isn't playing I'll play on the gamepad.

Really wish you could stream You're the Worst on something other than Hulu. I've never seen it but I've heard great things.

I call ledgerman!

So this is not referring to a woman's fecal matter being as big as a truck? Disappointing…

That's what I'm a little worried about, I'm not too big on 20+ hour games, I enjoy 12-16 hour games. I don't get a ton of time to game each week so playing a 20+ hour game takes forever. But since I can play it off screen on the gamepad, I'll be able to play while my wife watches TV. So that should help me get more

Yeah, I get teammates that also run right into the splat zones when there are elevated areas right next to the zones that you can shoot into and stay safe(r). All that does is get them killed, then I have to try to fend off 3 or 4 of the other team and even if I get 2 of them, it's enough to lose the zone.

Yeah, that Rickles scene is phenomenal. "If you screw this up, not only are you fired, but your life is over! I'll have you tearing tickets in Kuwait. Kalimalamala! and everybody sucking sand!"

"Is that a grenade??"

Baskin Robbins called, they're down to 3 flavors! Hello ice cream! Having a good time running around???
One of my favorite lines I still say that either grosses people out or cracks people up (if they've seen the movie) is when the dad says, "back then we didn't have these fancy birth control methods… like pulling

I don't think anyone can match the wig and stache game of The Americans.

I liked the new physics of it, if they had Luigi control just like Mario, I would have been upset. I like the shortened clock, adds some tension and makes you feel like you have to have an exploring plan and can't just jump around until you find the secrets. I know the levels are designed a little differently but I'm

Jurassic 5 seems to be coming back, touring and they made a new song recently.

Jurassic 5 is great live as well.

That Arena Bowl championship is the closest thing we're going to get a to real championship in Philly for a while…

As @3FistedHumdinger:disqus mentioned below, the main levels are pretty easy, and that's with trying to get all the stars/stamps/flag poles, but the levels of the expanded worlds get tougher. I enjoyed the cat suit and in the beginning it is kind of a cheat thing but later in the game you need it to complete certain

I was an A- in Splatoon ranked mode not too long ago, now I'm almost a B-. It's been a rough go of it recently in ranked mode. I seem to get paired with people who don't understand the objective of whichever mode it is. In rainmaker they never try to pick up the rainmaker and when I pick it up they don't come to me

Well I started up Darksiders II last week. Not 100% sure what I think of it just yet. The fighting mechanics are ok (kind of like a slower God of War or Bayonetta) it's more of the in depth RPG aspects I'm not a big fan of. Always picking up gear and assigning moves and traits and all that. It's not a ton of menu

I'd say probably Dirty Work for me. Not just because it's hilarious and I watched it on VHS about a million times in the summer when I was younger (saw it twice in the theaters too), but the whole movie is basically about them slacking off and figuring out fun ways to mess with people. Which isn't too dissimilar from

Can we get a Norm special, please?